Sunday, December 30, 2018

If you read the Bible...

Then my previous post (What did Christ leave us?), talked about those stupendous events that led up to what was to become known as the Eucharist.  If you did read my post, you would see that I didn't use the word "Eucharist," not once.  So now, it is time to "call a spade a spade."

The bread and wine that is consecrated becomes the Eucharist for us to receive in Holy Communion.  You will also learn, if you don't already know, that the elements (or the "accidents") of the bread and wine remain for us to see -- but not touch!  But those elements are then transformed -- transubstantiated -- into what was done on that famous night at the Last Supper.

Remember, Christ is the One Who miraculously transformed those elements, not the Apostles, at least not then.  They were mesmerized beyond anything that we could imagine, after all, their Master just told them to do this in memory of Me.

Do what?

Exactly what He did!!!   Change the bread and wine into His body and blood.  So, the Apostles did do what Christ did after all, just not at the Last Supper.  They were the recipients of the new food that keeps one alive forever!!!

The Apostles were priests as well as bishops!  If you don't believe me, then read the Bible.  The office of priest goes way, way back to the early Old Testament, then, in continuum, into the New Testament.  It is mentioned in Acts, Chap. 1, and in 1 Timothy where St. Paul talks at length about the office of bishop and priest (St. Paul was both!).

But beware!  St. Paul is very specific about just who may receive the body and blood of Christ!  In 1 Corinthians, he tells us that if we eat this bread and drink this cup unworthily, we will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord!!!

Remember, in my post: What did Christ leave us?  I explained the whole scene about the many disciples leaving our Lord after He tells them unless they eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, they will have no life in them.  And most walked no more with Him, because they found that a hard saying?

So too, if that whole scenario was just a metaphor, then He would have said so, and called them back!  But He didn't.  Now, St. Paul is confirming that Christ really did mean what He said as proved in the previous paragraphs!!

And just who consecrates the piece of bread and the cup of wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?  Priests, and, by extension, bishops (however, it is a bishop that consecrates a man into the priesthood, not the other way around).

In conclusion, it is important to note that when I use a verse, or verses taken from the Bible, it would seem that I am being very selective in order to "prove" my points.  But, in reality, I take the whole of what is revealed in the New Testament in order to show some measure of continuity from the Old to the New Testament.  I do not take a verse or two out of context as so many do in order to support a belief system, or a "religion" that one can hardly recognize anymore as being Christian.

The world, the flesh and the devil is trying so very hard to deceive, even if possible, the Elect.  Don't be fooled: unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life (eternal life!) in you.  I don't know about you, but that shakes me to the bone!

God bless, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

PS: all the above info was taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible, copyright 1897.

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