Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My review of 2018, and what I feel will happen in 2019...

Sometimes I wonder that unless a nuke goes off in our neighborhood, do we really care about the events that will eventually affect all of us?

These events are ongoing; they are more than what the score of your favorite football team is on any particular Sunday or Monday night, or making sure you have a full tank of gas and a six-pack of Bud Lite for the upcoming weekend.

I think that far too many folks are not aware, or simply don't care about anything unless and until some catastrophic event does, in fact, hit them or their cherished family, but by that time, it might be too late.

That is not the way we should live our lives.  We have to be on guard and pay attention to what is really happening, not what the lamestream "news" is pounding into our collective heads on a daily basis.  And I dare anyone to try to decipher any real news from those masters of deceit; those demonic individuals that prey on, not only the innocent, but the lazy -- too lazy to investigate from alternative sources, what is really going on.  I guarantee that what you will find will -- or should -- scare you to near death.

What am I talking about?

Let us take a look at 2018...

For one, our duly elected president, Trump, has been under relentless attack for over two years now.  By not just by what passes for "news" from the hard Left media, but also from his own party: those in the deep state determined to stifle his pro-America agenda.

Mr. Trump is not perfect, but at least he recognizes God as the source of our strength and happiness, and not the size of a welfare check.

President Trump has also decided to take the heat so we might maintain our sovereignty against the horde of illegal invaders at our southern border, not to mention those that sneak across our northern border!

2018 was also another year of shame for the U.S. of A.  Why?  Because we continued to kill the pre-born at an unprecedented rate, with nearly 1/2 BILLION of our taxpayer monies going to Murder, Inc., aka: planned parenthood, every single year.

2018 also showed that our legal system of "justice" is completely broken.  How?  It seems to me that there is a two-tier-system: one for the elites, and one for you and me.

Liberal judges continue to throw roadblocks up to most of what Mr. Trump is attempting to do in order to increase the security of our country.  (Keeping in mind that the judiciary is separate from the executive branch, not superior to it.)  And here is where Mr. Trump has been horribly advised: he is the chief law enforcement officer of the entire nation; he has extraordinary powers that the Constitution grants a president in order to fulfill the duties of his office.  If a judge says: you can't do that!  He could say in  turn: try to enforce your order!  I'm going to do what I have to do as I swore on the Bible to do!

The Natural Law is continuously being violated by unjust laws or court decisions.  Remember, any man-made law or court decision that violates that very same Natural Law is automatically null and void.  This is not just my wishful thinking, it is enshrined in the common law of most civilized nations, as well in Church law.  Just read the Letter from a Birmingham jail, written by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and see where he quotes two prominent Catholic saints: St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, in enumerating what constitutes a just or unjust law.  If unjust, it is not to be obeyed!

Just try that the next time you explain to a judge that your appearance before him is unjust, and see what happens!!  (Remember that two-tier-system??)

2018 was another year that the so-called "federal reserve" continued to print paper money 24/7, 365 days a year, with nothing to back it up: no gold; no silver, just the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. government.  Does that make you sleep soundly at night??

There was -- and it carries over into 2019 -- the real possibility of what some might call a "civil war," coming soon to a neighborhood near you...  I'm not being extreme here, either.  Look at what has happened in some liberal cities across this country: demonstrate for your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and watch the radical Left physically attack you for being pro-life, pro-marriage, etc.  Sickening and sad, not to mention dangerous.

2018 was also a watershed for what is left of the "Catholic Church" -- in quotation marks because the new order church is only a façade; not real.  The scourge of homosexuality is rampant and has been for far too many years, yet this is nothing new.  Saints of antiquity had to purge the sodomites from the priesthood, going back over 1,000 years!   The gates of hell will never -- never! -- prevail against the real Catholic Church founded on the rock of St. Peter...

The question then must be asked: how long will law-abiding citizens put up with physical or economic threats to their well-being and that of their families?   This, I admit, is an opened-ended question that can only be answered on an individual basis: I can't answer that question for you or anyone.  But I know how much I can take, and what I will not tolerate when that tipping point is reached; then we'll see what happens...


With all that I just enumerated for 2018, also happen in 2019, or worse??   This will be answered shortly, perhaps in weeks or months.

This short article is not meant to sound grim or despairing, quite the contrary.  We must remember that we are not in complete control of our fate; that falls into the hands and will of God Almighty.  The very same God that the hard Left rejects in favor of the evil one.  In some cases, it is very plain to see just who embraces God, and who rejects serving Him in favor of the demon.  I think you all can figure out just who falls into which category...

And the key to real happiness is serving Him, not the passions and concupiscence of our weakened natures.  Is it easy?  No.  But remember what the great Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, tells us in the Bible: you will not be tested beyond your ability to resist (temptation), and that God will provide the graces to remain an upright and moral person; man or woman or child -- above the age of reason.    

I say to anyone reading my article: remain vigilant and awake as you stand guard in the night; hope for the best under all circumstances with the help and grace of our good Lord.  I continue to hope that even the Elect will not be deceived...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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