Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Stolen Valor?? Phony Vietnam Veteran, Native American...

The hard-Left activist, Native American, Nathan Phillips, portrayed by the biased mainstream media as a victim of harassment by the Covington high school Catholic students, just after the March for Life in D.C., lied about his service in Vietnam.  He was a Marine, but never served in Vietnam!!!

Of course, the truth of the matter is that he was harassing the peaceful students and attempted to create a confrontation, not the other way around.  But truth doesn't seem to matter these days...

This phony has caused so much heartache for those students and their families, with threats of violence. not only against those very same students, but also against the Covington high school itself, so much so, that the school remained closed because of security concerns.

I ask: where is the Department of Justice, and the hate crimes division??  Why don't they investigate the threats being made??

Even the gutless Diocese of Covington was quick to jump on the condemnation bandwagon, believing the lying media reports instead of investigating for themselves the actual truth of what happened.  But that was not to be...

It is apparent that the new norm is guilty until proven innocent.  This is not America, but it is quickly turning into Amerika.

Let's see if the Diocese will apologize to their students and their parents, and beg forgiveness for their rash judgment of these innocents...

Remember, in Catholic teaching, rash judgment is a sin.

To the Bishop of the Covington diocese: go to Confession and pray unceasingly to make amends for your rash judgment!

Pray for our country!

Gene DeLalla

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