Friday, January 25, 2019


At 6am this morning, the heavy-handed, deep-state and their cronies, the FBI, made a pre-dawn raid at the home of Mr. Roger Stone, confidant of President Trump.  They did so with guns drawn!

Mr. Stone was arrested and now sits in a jail in Florida.

If you think that this cannot happen to you personally, think again.

If you fight the deep-state; if you criticize the multi-tentacled, behemoth government, or attempt to exercise your God-given rights, guaranteed, not by government, but by the Natural Law, you just might end up behind bars yourself.

Keep in mind, that CNN -- those lunatics -- were tipped-off, and were waiting with cameras rolling to capture this total disgrace.  

This is a warning to all freedom-loving peoples in this country: make sure you have sufficient supplies to exercise your right to self-defense, in other words, to exercise the Second Amendment in the face of all threats to your freedoms and my freedoms...

Pray for our country more now than ever...

Gene DeLalla

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