Friday, January 25, 2019

Iowa's Heartbeat Law Killed by Judge...

The following information is taken from articles by ABC news; the Catholic News Agency, and other sources...

The Heartbeat Bill was signed into law by Gov. Kim Reynolds.

She said: “I am incredibly disappointed in today’s court ruling, because I believe that if death is determined when a heart stops beating, then a beating heart indicates life,” Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said in a statement.

My Comment: Doesn't that make sense?  Common sense?  But we know that science has now determined that life does, indeed, begin at CONCEPTION.  Something that is rarely talked about by the mainstream media... No surprise there!

Additionally, why doesn't the Governor tell this "judge" that "I am the chief law enforcement officer of the state of Iowa; I have at my disposal the state police and the National Guard.  Your order: 1. violates the Natural Law, and, 2. you have no way of enforcing the ruling.  This law remains in full force and effect."  

"Polk County District Judge Michael Huppert wrote in his decision striking down the law that its defenders didn't identify a compelling state interest in barring most abortions after a fetus' heartbeat can be found, The Des Moines Register reported."

My Comment: A compelling state interest???  Could it be that the state of Iowa recognizes that all life is a precious gift from the Creator?  And that life, once born, grows and eventually contributes to the commonweal of the state and society in general?  

"The latest decision, issued on Jan. 22 in the Polk County District Court, deemed it unconstitutional in the face of the state's laws." 
My Comment: Unconstitutional?  If it is enshrined in the state constitution, then that "law" is automatically null and void because it violates the Natural Law.
"The decision concluded that the parameters set in the law are "violative of both the due process and equal protection provisions of the Iowa Constitution as not being narrowly tailored to serve the compelling state interest of promoting potential life." 
My Comment"violative of both the due process and equal protection provisions..."  Judge, does due process and equal protection also apply to the little baby girl developing in the womb of her mother?   Apparently not...
"Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller declined to defend the law. Lawyers from the Chicago-based Thomas More Society argued on its behalf in court at no expense to taxpayers."

My Comment: why wasn't this character fired by the governor??

My concluding comments...

What is it that fills these judges and politicians with such rage and hate against the most defenseless of our species?   Why do they kowtow to the haters of life?   What enormous power the anti-life forces (Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood") must wield over those same judges and politicians?  

I can only think of one, simple answer: such people are part of a world-wide conspiracy to deprive LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the pre-born.  I contend that the killing of the pre-born is nothing short of devil worship.  It is a tenet of their "religion" offered on the alter of "choice".   

When a pre-born baby is killed in the womb -- or out of it! -- Satan rejoices...

What an eternally horrible price such people will pay when they stand before Christ, their Judge...

Abortion: the REAL war on women...

Pray for an end to this scourge that is plaguing our country...

Gene DeLalla

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