Sunday, January 27, 2019

Absolute power corrupts absolutely..

The title of my article bears repeating: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

This is getting really scary...

The other day, Mr. Roger Stone's home was violated by an FBI swat team, attired in full military gear, with guns drawn, banging on his door in the dark of night, as if he was a terrorist intent on destroying America.  In reality, the FBI -- and their hacks in the media -- and other deep-state agencies, are the ones in full attack on our freedoms and liberties, guaranteed, not by government, but by those rights and freedoms granted to us by God almighty and enshrined in the Natural Law.

If you or I attempt to exercise our rights and freedoms, and, in so doing, challenge their hideous agenda to control and transform our beloved country into something unrecognizable; something out of a socialist nightmare, beware, because the deep-state will do whatever they have to do to stop you and I.  And I wouldn't be surprised that, eventually, "they" will stop or sensor my writings on social media; this is not a joke, but a possible reality.

The Founding Fathers knew that the threats of an out-of-control central, federal government to take out the rights of its citizens, and control every aspect of their lives, wrote into the Constitution the Right to Bear Arms in the Second Amendment just for that very purpose to act as a counterweight to its tyranny.

They knew from experience; they knew history, and were determined not to have it repeat itself in the founding of a new nation: America.

As horrendous as this current situation is, and it is getting worse, these enemies of freedom and the exercise of our natural rights, are not invincible.  They can be defeated, not by our own efforts alone, but with the help of God, especially His treasured Son, our Savior.

One of the reasons that all this is occurring is, in my opinion, the discarding of the precious gift given to us by God to be His co-creators in bringing new life into the world, and the infusion of an immortal soul destined to spend eternity with his/her Creator after knowing, loving, and serving Him in this life...

But how can this be?

The reason is almost too easy: the weakness of the human element of the Catholic Church in the form of compromising the knowledge and requirement of all mankind to come into the one ark of salvation as founded on the Rock of St. Peter by Christ Himself.

All things are connected, and if our souls are darkened by culpable ignorance, or outright rebellion, we will pay the price, and we can see it happening all around us, not only in the U.S., but also in other nations in Europe and South America.

Many, I'm afraid, have sold their souls for money, power and position regardless of the knowledge that, eventually, they will have to pay the devil his due.

This is a repeat of the David and Goliath confrontation, and we know who won that!

Please pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla     

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