Monday, January 21, 2019

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day...

A brief history of my association with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr...

No, I didn't know him personally, but I did do my high school term paper on King back in 1963.

Then, during my tour in Vietnam, the terrible news of his assassination reached the base where I was stationed (the air base was located in the northern section of II Corps -- the military had divided the country into four corps: I Corp, II Corp, III Corp and IV Corps).

For some perspective, I Corp included bases, firebases, outposts and patrols that were nearer to the DMZ -- the demilitarized zone -- where things could go from boring to chaos in seconds.  The enemy used the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" to funnel their supplies from the North to their bases and troops in the South.  II Corps was a "little less" active, but still dangerous; I can attest to that...

As I have written in my story -- The Battle For Oscar Six, available on Amazon, and a previous post, there was a memorial service on base.  I had asked my black brother if I could accompany him to the service; he agreed.  When we entered the chapel, I was the only white face in  the entire crowd, save for the clergy.  It was quite an experience; something I will never forget, but I am glad that I was able to pay my respects to the fallen leader, Rev. King.

So, today we celebrate his life and work to bring some measure of equality of rights to his people -- he did that peacefully, unlike what we see happening today when "conservatives" attempt to exercise their rights of free speech and their love for America, come under attack, verbally as well as physically...

This brings me to the March for Life this past Saturday...

The anti-life, hard-Left media barely mentioned it, if at all.  This is especially important because they said it was attended by "thousands" or "tens of thousands".  No, actually, it was attended by one-half, to three-quarters of a MILLION participants.  The so-called "Women's March," though pitifully attended, was covered from one end to the other as if the entire country was behind their bizarre, anti-life, anti-America agenda.

This was just more fake news...

Getting back to the March for Life, I would like to relay an incident that occurred as a group of Catholic high school students were waiting for their buses to arrive to pick them up and start their journey back home.

Those Catholic students, by the way, were from the diocese of Covington, Kentucky.  This is important because of what transpired as they waited to board those buses.  It seems that there were several protests or demonstrations going on just near the students, including some die-hard, and rather strange group of black "Israelites", chanting obscenities and hate for America.  Their malice then turned to those very same Catholic students, increasing their hate and malice for the young Christians...

The students kept their cool.   Add to this mess, was a (supposedly) former Marine and Vietnam veteran Native American doing his own chanting and drum beating.  He approached the students looking for some type of confrontation.  He didn't get what he wanted, but the media twisted what actually happened and blamed the students as being racist and confrontational.  No surprise there...

Sadly, the students and some of their families have now been the object of actual bodily threats, as well as threats to their extended families and businesses.  Where is the Dept. of Justice and their hate crime division?  And why is this considered "normal" these days; something to be expected?

But here's the really incredible part of this disgusting scenario.  As it turns out, the Covington Catholic diocese immediately believed the lying media and condemned their own students!   Keep in mind that these young people were demonstrating for LIFE, and doing it peacefully and honorably.

It has now come to light what really happened, as evidenced by videos and the few non-biased reporters on the scene: the students were the object of the malice, not the instigators.  So, will we see apologies from the media?  Will we see apologies from the pulpit?   Will the bishop of the Covington diocese apologize to those faithful students and their families?   Or will they remain scared of their own shadow and continue to buckle to the radical, anti-Catholic media?

Don't hold your breath, I'm not.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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