Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Murder, Inc., Killed Nearly Six Times U.S. Soldiers Killed In Vietnam...


Last year, Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood," killed 332,757 pre-born Americans through the terrifying "procedure" known as abortion!

That horrendous figure is nearly six times the number of U.S. troops -- including 111 Air Force Security Police -- killed during the entire Vietnam war!

Let that sink in...

All done with over $500 million of our taxpayer dollars supplied by the federal government.  

I will ask a simple question, with, I think, a very complex answer: when will God Almighty smash  the hands of those "doctors" and others, who dismember, or chemically dissolve those poor little girls and boys before they have a chance to breath air?

When will the victims' mothers finally realize what they have done to the gift of life from the Creator that makes them co-creators with the divine Founder of that very same life?

I am afraid that this culture of death has so brainwashed these women (and men!) into a hardness of heart so set in concrete, that circumstances may not be able to change their incredibly anti-life, anti-Christ attitude.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Pray for an end to abortion, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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