Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The demonic Hillary Clinton wants to be able to kill your pre-born baby right up to birth!

This creepy, anti-life demon, Hillary Clinton, is well beyond child-bearing age, and yet, she wants to be able to take control of all women's bodies (as the Demonrats always accuse the Republicrats of doing), and that includes the power to abort -- kill -- a pre-born baby right up to the birth of the little girl or boy!

How many know that "partial-birth-abortion" is a federal crime?  Not to mention, that whether it is or not, such a heinous act is a violation of the Natural (moral) Law, and, is, in fact, premeditated murder.

And now, the Demonrat, Killary, and the Governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, are "teaming-up" to make sure that such murder will be enshrined in the N.Y.S. constitution, fearing that Roe v Wade will soon be overturned.

A couple of things to consider here: first, Gov. Cuomo is a "Catholic"; an adulterer; a fornicator living with his concubine; openly receives Holy Communion from the hands of the "Catholic" "Bishop" in his diocese; is the son of the now deceased, former governor of N.Y.; Mario Cuomo, he was also a radical pro-abortion "Catholic."  His brother is Chris Cuomo, you know, the unhinged "journalist" on CNN, also a pro-death "Catholic".

See the common thread here: all three Cuomos are "Catholic" -- in name only, of course.  But the other common thread here is that the phony, façade of a "Catholic" hierarchy exists in sort of a parallel universe, diametrically opposed to the binding teachings of the real Catholic Church.

So this "Catholic" governor of N.Y. is conspiring to pressure the N.Y.S. legislature to pass this monster bill: The Reproductive Health Act (RHA).  It's been around for years, but so far has failed to pass; let's see what happens in this new push...

Again, Clinton, a former senator from N.Y.S., is using whatever political punch she still has to help get this diabolical legislation passed.  If it passes the N.Y. House, then it goes to the Senate; if it passes there, then Cuomo will be tickled-pink to sign this license to kill into N.Y.S.'s newest attack on the pre-born, into law.

If such a heinous piece of legislation becomes law, it will be similar to what takes place in China, and has been for many years: the one-child policy, only recently changed to allow the husband and wife to have more than one child.

The handwriting was on the wall, and even the Communists realized that there weren't enough female babies being born for the male population.  Now, in the U.S., we have these radical population-control types that would happily adopt the former "China policy."

I recently wrote that Socialists and Communists are the enemies of the building block of society: the family, and now you can include the Clintons and the Cuomos in the anti-family, anti-life army of "Americans" who have rejected God in favor of power and position in this life, and to hell with whatever price they will have to pay in the next.  Heaven help them; they'll need it!

Pray for our country more than ever...

Gene DeLalla

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