Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Merchants of Death Continue Their Slaughter Unabated...

As the title of this article, The Merchants of Death Continue Their Slaughter Unabated, the slaughter is not only of the physical death of human beings -- whether in the womb, or those elderly and disabled confined to beds or wheelchairs -- but also the spiritual death of the soul of those unable or unwilling to fight the good fight in the face of pure evil.

Very sadly, most of the killing takes place in abortion "clinics," or hospitals, and some, in their own homes, with, believe it or not, help from their families to "assist" them in taking their own lives.

Another form of mayhem and death takes place on the streets of many cities here in the U.S.  Just take a quick look at America's third largest city, Chicago, where almost every weekend brings with it another record homicide tally, inflicting pain and anguish upon family after family.  Many such killings are of the gang or drug related variety, with many innocent bystanders being shot and killed, including children.

We have a southern border that is a sieve allowing far too many aliens to enter our country almost at will.  Some, however, never make it through the desert, dying in crowded cars, vans, or trucks, after being bled dry of money or their meager belongings by human smugglers: the coyotes.

I have personally witnessed coyotes ply their diabolical trade on more than one occasion while I lived in Southern California, only a few short miles from the Mexican border south of San Diego.

As horrible as these deaths are, there is another form of death: spiritual death of the soul.

Remember, our Lord tells us in the Bible not to fear he who can kill the body, but he who can kill the soul and drag it into hell.

Today, the merchants of spiritual death do their dastardly deeds among an unsuspecting, or poorly catechized, dwindling Catholic population still attached to the new-order façade that calls itself the Catholic Church.

In reality, it is not Catholic, but a poor imitation of the Church of Christ founded on the Rock of St. Peter.

But they have overplayed their hand in squashing the faithful of a dedicated, traditional Catholic community right here in New Hampshire.

I warn those same "churchmen" that the pendulum is already beginning to swing in OUR direction, and away from the corruption and abuse-riddled "catholic church" that seems to be in the headlines of rags (newspapers) almost on a daily basis.

Their pews are nearly empty due to the pagan practice of contraception and even abortion!

The scandalous action of suppressing real Catholics who remain faithful to the authentic Magisterium, is nothing short of diabolical disorientation, not of those faithful Catholics, but of the power-hungry hierarchs who have sold their very precious souls for position and influence in this life, and to hell with the next!

The Merchants of Death Continue Their Slaughter Unabated -- of the souls entrusted to their charge.  And for that, they will be held severely accountable when they stand before the Just Judge.

May God Almighty have mercy on your souls, because I won't.

Gene DeLalla  

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