Monday, January 28, 2019

Vermont, the "Green Mountain State", will soon become the Dripping Blood-Red State...

Vermont is following the horrendous actions of its western neighbor, New York, in writing into its constitution, the "right" of a female to kill her developing little girl or boy in her womb, without restriction, all the way up to birth!

The Governor of Vermont, Phil Scott, is a Republican.  (I label such traitors: Republicrats.)  Will he sign into law -- into the constitution of Vermont -- this diabolical attack on the pre-born as Andrew Cuomo, the sadistic "Catholic" recently signed his soul away by enshrining into the New York State constitution, that same "right"?

I truly hope not, but we will have to wait and see.

Even if the bill passes both houses of the Vermont legislature, it will not go into effect until 2023.  Nonetheless, this travesty of justice is only the beginning, as more and more states "worry" that Roe v Wade will be overturned in the not too distant future -- it can't happen soon enough for me! -- and are considering doing the same as New York, and now Vermont.

So now, Vermont, known as the Green Mountain State, might soon become the Dripping Blood-Red State with the dubious distinction of killing of the pre-born all the way up to birth.

Please think about that and what that means!

The question then becomes, if a child can be killed just before birth, what is the difference if a "mother" decides she can't handle the new life entrusted to her, and "terminates" the little baby AFTER she or he is born??

Will she be guilty of murder?  Or, if in New York, and soon Vermont, will it be considered just another form of euthanasia?   No big deal, right?

How long, Lord, how long??

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


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