Monday, January 14, 2019

The Brute Force of the Modernist "Catholic" Hierarchy...

Charity is out the window, even though the phonies-in-charge of the "Vatican" virtue signal about "inclusiveness," "mercy" -- but not for traditionalists -- "love."  Truly sickening!

Anyone individual or organization that dares to remain true to their charism comes under constant attack from the "Catholic" hierarchy, whether from a directive from the "Vatican," or pressure applied by the local bishop of a diocese.

These apostates have over-played their collective hands, and the spiritual -- and in some cases, physical -- trauma they have caused will come around as a boomerang returns to its thrower.  They fail to study history; they fail to realize that, eventually, the instigators of revolution, whether to overthrow a duly elected government, or to smash traditionalism in the real Catholic Church, will come back to bite them.  Such happened during the French Revolution, when the founders of that massacre, themselves, became too "conservative" for the new radical element that took over the "duties" of death and mayhem, and lost their respective heads to the bloody guillotine.  The rabid dog had turned on its master...

Those that cause anxiety and anguish among the true faithful, will have a high price to pay when they stand before their Just Judge, that is, if they don't repent and make amends for the suffering, and, in some cases, spiritual death of a formerly innocent soul.

Traditional orders of nuns and brothers have been attacked and disbanded simply because they desire to follow their real Master, Christ, Jesus; good priests keep silent even though they believe that one MUST become a Catholic to be saved.

Many refuse to "modernize" their dress or their constitutions to suit the more liberal, progressive elements in charge -- at least for now -- of the human element of the suffocating Church.

But God will not be mocked!

That fickle pendulum is now beginning to swing BACK in the direction of true charity for souls; true evangelization; true ecumenism -- to bring the Truth to all outside the loving boundaries of the Church, outside of which, there is NO SALVATION FOR ANY HUMAN BEING: NO EXCEPTIONS!!!   Regardless of the watering-down of the perennial doctrine of Christ Himself!

May God Almighty have mercy on these apostates, because I won't.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  


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