Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Question: why are progressives (liberals) so dense (stupid)?

This question is one that has plagued philosophers and sages for millennia.

The answer, I contend, is really quite simple: Pride.

They have rejected God, and His Natural Law, thereby rejecting common sense.

You will quickly see that pride and the lack of common sense go hand-in-hand.  Here is a prime example...

Just the other day, the Baltimore School Board voted -- unanimously -- not to have police officers armed in their schools during daylight hours!

Think about that for a second, please!

I repeat: the Baltimore School Board voted to have UN-armed police officers in their schools!  The police officers are their to protect and defend the students and others, from attacks from lunatics with weapons, but they -- the police -- cannot have weapons to deter or neutralize the bad guys???

Also keep in mind, that the city of Baltimore is anti-Second Amendment in a big way.  Baltimore also has the dubious reputation of being crime-ridden, very similar to Chicago.

Another question: why is it that the mayors of the cities of Chicago and Baltimore, both war zones, as well as other crime ridden cities always happen to be Democrats?

In the case of Baltimore, the mayor is a female: Catherine Pugh.

One more question: why is it that 99.99 percent of these Demonrats are radical endorsers of the slaughter of the pre-born?   Are you beginning to see the connection here?

 Pride rejects God; serves Satan.

When people are killed, whether through abortion or in the schools -- because the police can't carry their weapons -- the devil smiles...

And that's why progressives (liberals) are so dense (stupid).

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. Now think about it; here is another question I'd like to ask: Why is it that they don't want those police officers ARMED? Is it because they fear that it will cause FEAR to the students to see police officers with guns? Duh! People, and the includes children have always known that police officers carry guns. So, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM HERE?


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