Thursday, January 3, 2019

More money for ABORTION!!!!

Well, it didn't take long for the Demonrats to get their act together and again show their true colors: enemies of the pre-born.

Demonrat, "devout Catholic" N. Pelosi and that miserable anti-life Zionist, Schumer, have already added language in a bill that would end the so-called "government shutdown" by adding more of our taxpayer dollars to kill more babies.

More money for the wall?  Nope, but more money for the slaughter of God's gift to His creatures: the ability to be co-creators with Him.  How much longer will He allow this massacre to continue?  I don't know, but what I do know is that when He comes back some of these demons will die of pure fear, and rightly so, unless they repent.

Unfortunately, far too many "Catholics" have fallen for the easy way out, using contraception because of an "unplanned" pregnancy.  But even worse, they fall prey to the "right" to kill their pre-born just as any other pagan in the U.S.

Unless and until there is a real change of heart among these selfish individuals, conversion is out of the question, and that's why most will NOT be saved!

Pray for an end to abortion and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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