Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The "Domino Effect" -- States Are Lining Up For The Kill...

A report from Lifenews.com, indicates that now Rhode Island -- the most "Catholic" state in the country, led by a female "Catholic" Governor Gina Raimondo, will follow the sadistic lead of New York State and Vermont, in introducing legislation that will guarantee a woman's "right" to kill the baby developing in her womb, all the way up to birth!  No questions asked!

This will be the second New England state to enact this hideous attack on the most innocent of our species, the pre-born.

Will liberal Connecticut follow?  How about my neighbor to the south: Massachusetts?  Will Maine follow?   I wouldn't be surprised if my state of New Hampshire will succumb to evil forces infiltrating the minds and hearts of malice-filled individuals hell-bent on destroying the greatest gift we can have in this life: baby girls and boys.

What are faithful Catholics to do??

I will wait and see if the bishop(s) of Rhode Island makes his disgust known, and points out that anyone that supports or procures an abortion is automatically ex-communicated from the good graces of the Church, and that includes anyone that belongs to the organization known as Murder, Inc., (aka: planned parenthood).

Yes, Cardinal Dolan, ex-communication IS appropriate for these monsters masquerading as Catholics.

Do not fall into the trap that there are two Catholic Churches, however, there is not.  But there are two distinct categories of the human element within the Church: one, adheres to the Magisterium and Tradition, and the second, are the modernists who put power, money and position above the teachings of Christ, the Divine Founder of the Church on earth.

It is the second category that has caused the weakness in the Church over the last 50-60 years, with the lavender mafia practically taking control of the most powerful positions of Church offices as well as the new-order seminaries where traditional-minded men are eliminated as candidates in favor of the more effeminate.

Add to this, the reluctance to use the power of the office of bishop or cardinal to ex-communicate these apostate "Catholics," all the while persecuting the remnant of the faithful..

President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here (meaning he is responsible for the actions of those under him).

Those at the top, will be held accountable for their subordinates, whether it is the homosexual abuse of their charges, or not standing up for the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church in condemning the actions of rogue "Catholic" politicians who fear nothing from a hierarchy afraid of their own shadow.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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