Sunday, January 6, 2019

Looking into the face of a Socialist, or is she a Communist?...

If one read the difference between Communism and Socialism, it should be pretty easy to determine that neither system is of any benefit to humankind, except to the state as ruler of humankind, or its representatives determining who gets what and how much.

You, or I, wouldn't have much choice in the manner of how we live our lives, or earn our income, with the almighty state telling us what to do and how to do it.

Under such systems, you could very well kiss precious freedoms goodbye.

And remember, those freedoms include the freedom to worship God.  But under the yoke of Socialism or Communism, you would be hard-pressed to find a church that hasn't been transformed, or infiltrated by the operatives of those heinous systems, making sure that the peons always know their place...

Under such systems, economic freedom would be a thing of the past.  A false egalitarianism would be the new norm!  You couldn't have more than me, and I couldn't have more than you.

But the dirty little secret hidden behind both systems is that there will be elites that always seem to have more than you or I combined.  And, in fact, can become quite rich at the expense of -- you and me!

Even our freedom to travel; move around, would or could be severely curtailed.

Want to have more than 2.1 children in order to keep the population on an even keel?  See what happens if you exceed that limit: China will happen, that's what.

Want to own private property, including a home?  Lot's of luck...

And yet, some very misinformed -- or brainwashed? -- Americans -- yes Americans!!! -- have just voted into office a despicable, lying, phony, Demonrat (Socialist/Communist) from the Bronx, New York, into the House of Representatives for a two-year term.

Now, I am particularly upset about this for many reasons, but one is that the Bronx is where I was born and raised until I entered the military back in 1965.  In fact, when I was born, Truman was president of the U.S. of A., taking over after the death of Franklin Roosevelt in 1945, just before the end of World War II.

I am getting a little off-track here, so let me get back to the culprit I have just described: her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a hard Left radical intent on implementing her lunatic agenda at the expense of all of us, except her, of course...

This female has been caught in lie after lie regarding her past; the way she was brought up; where she lived; the schools she attended, etc.  And yet, the gullible were more than happy to sweep her into office over another liberal Demonrat -- but just a little less radical than she...

There is nothing this female wouldn't do or propose in the House to make us all suffer for her "green" initiatives.  Again, at the expense of all that we hold dear, especially our traditions.  You see, Socialists and Communists hate tradition, so we had all better get used to knuckling under to this diabolical disorientation, that is, if you and I are not willing to fight for what we believe in and treasure, especially our families.  Remember too, that these types are enemies of the building block of society: the family.  They know that when families are strong, they can't win.  They also know that if we stand fast to our right to keep and bear arms (the Second Amendment) they will never be able to steal our freedoms, never!

But Cortez and her ilk are a symptom of the disease, not the cause of Socialism and Communism.  They are, for all practical purposes, useful idiots.  And when their usefulness is over, they will be the next group to be sent to the guillotine.  It never fails!  History often repeats itself for those who simply don't learn from it...

Make no mistake, these folks are dangerous!

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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