Tuesday, January 8, 2019

There comes a time to make a choice: The Faith, or false obedience under threat of...?

For all practicing Catholics, at some time or other, a choice must be made: to follow the Faith, uncompromised and undefiled, or submit to a false obedience under threat of...?  

That threat might go to the extreme of excommunication.  Now, for a real, authentic Catholic, that threat can turn a spiritual life upside-down.  But!  There is hope!  Remember, there is little choice if one puts the Faith first, regardless who issues what directive, even if condemnation.

My family and I attend the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively.  We simply will not attend what is called the new-order mass of the modernist "Catholic" church.  We have been somewhat criticized for that; so be it.  But when the time comes, I -- and my family members -- will someday have to answer to Christ at our Particular Judgment for our actions or inactions.  And one of those actions that we will be judged for is: did we give to Christ the worship and honor that He demanded of us during our lifetime by attending the perennial Latin Mass that was the same going back to the Sixth Century, or, did we abandoned Him to the whims of the modernists in their attempt to make the venerable Mass -- the focus of sacrifice and worship -- into something akin to the Protestant "worship" service?

And, because we believe in the thrice defined dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no remission of sins, and, especially, no salvation for any human creature, we take even more heat from those "in command".

The "commanders"?  The bishops of the various dioceses they -- and we -- reside in.

Haven't those "commanders" ever heard of the Protestant Reformation?  

Look, let's be frank here: it was not a "reformation," no, it was a revolt against the Church of Christ, and, hence, a revolt against Christ Himself -- The Head of the Body of the Church.

Luther was wrong; dead wrong!  He unleashed a torrent of death and mayhem that even took him aback after seeing the rotten fruits of the peasant revolt that left uncountable dead and properties ruined.

Today, we have another revolt: the modernist revolt.  It wears a façade of authentic Catholicism, but in reality, it is unrecognizable as the Church of Christ; an empty shell; a hollow building devoid of holiness, but filled with novelty and false charity.

We faithful Catholics will survive as St. Athanasius survived during the Arian heresy; today, things are worse, much worse.  But we have to take heart!  It is Athanasius that has the august handle of SAINT in front of his name...

I ask all of good will to pray for those practicing Catholics undergoing the worst persecution since the Arian heresy of the late Fourth and early Fifth Centuries..

And it is happening right here in the U.S. of A.; right here in the Live Free or Die state!!

Gene DeLalla


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