Saturday, January 19, 2019

Is the final coup attempt against President Trump about to happen?

Circumstantial evidence is quickly mounting that the final deep-state coup attempt against our duly elected President Trump is about to take place, perhaps as soon as this Spring.

Is this pie-in-the-sky hysteria?


Some former "supporters" or those involved in Trump's presidential campaign have now "flipped," meaning, they have now testified -- falsely -- to the demon-in-charge, Robert Mueller, the so-called special counsel, of sometimes, bizarre and completely made-up "facts".

The hard-Left media has jumped all over these lies and conspiracies against Mr. Trump as if these lies were the truth.  But isn't that the modus operandi of the malice-filled Left?  It seems that truth means little so long as the falsities can implicate and condemn President Trump in some manner, with the goal of removing him from office after impeaching him in the House, and convicting him in the Senate.  It has now come to light, that the deep-state Demonrats also want to rid the second-in-command, Vice President Pence.  

Now, if anyone knows the line of succession as put forth in the Constitution, after the president and vice president, the Speaker of the House of Representatives takes over the duties and responsibilities of the office of president!

Think about that for a second.

Who is the current Speaker of the House?

The self-described "devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi...

That fact should fill the minds and hearts of true Americans, with abject fear and trembling, not to mention our allies of all stripes.

This new development, if it does occur, will immediately transform the United States of America into something unrecognizable with full-blown socialism (or Communism?) the new norm.

But there is more...

Who would "president" Pelosi choose to fill the very important post of vice president?

As unbelievable as it sounds, there is a good chance that the loser of the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton.  If that happens, then what might come next???

This entire scenario is too frightening to imagine, but it is quite possible.  I pray that it doesn't happen, and I would urge all to pray, not only for our country, but also for our precious rights guaranteed, not by the government, but under the Natural Law.  It is enshrined in the Constitution that those very same rights are to be protected from encroachment by the government.  That is why the Founding Fathers created the Bill of Rights in the first place.

In light of the possible scenario I just described, there just may come a time that our right to free speech and freedom of religion (the First Amendment) will be relegated to the dust bin of history, therefore, it is imperative that our First Amendment rights must be backed up and insured by the Second Amendment!

I do hope that I am completely wrong in all of this... But!  What if I'm not??

God help us all...

Gene DeLalla

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