Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Warning!

Yes, it is a warning -- a "threat" -- If you don't use your God-given abilities to sift out falsehoods from fact, then you will succumb to the biased, anti-life, anti-Christ, and, yes, one more "anti": anti-America leftist media and their take on what is true and what is false.

If that happens, then you, and all those you are responsible for: your charges, your family, and even your friends, will have a skewed view on what is going on in the news.  And if that happens, you just might come to the conclusion that your country, and even your race, is damned to hell for all the abuses your country and your race have perpetrated on society.

Witness the recent sham of "victimhood" in the form a Nathan Phillips... This NON-Vietnam veteran is a known hard-left activist for years causing grief for otherwise decent people simply so he can garner sympathy -- but for what?

That's the magic question: for what?

The word is: agenda.

He attempted to perpetrate the impression that some Catholic high school students -- at the March for Life in D.C. -- threatened him as he was banging his drum; not so.  He got in their faces, the media, however, claimed just the opposite...

Let me give you a prime example... I will also show the connection between the various agendas and their final end...

Yesterday, the Governor of New York State signed into "law" -- now enshrined in the N.Y.S. constitution, a woman's -- let me correct that: a female's "right" to kill her developing baby girl or boy all the way up to birth!   And, if partial-birth abortion, then that is a federal crime, but the apostate "Catholic" Governor Cuomo, cares little for pre-born life, and, apparently, little for where he will be spending eternity.

Cuomo comes from a family of baby killers, so why would he be any different?  You see, when one abandons the Faith, then that person opens themselves up to evil to fill the void of good in the soul.

The demons, I'm sure, are rejoicing and celebrating all over New York State, my alma mater (the Bronx -- the borough of New York City that has the diabolical reputation for having the most abortions relative to pregnancies in the entire state, if not the country!).

So, the agenda of Cuomo is to curry favor -- and votes! -- for future elections, thereby assuring a continuance of Demonrat control of both state houses, and to secure that horrible "right" just in case Roe v Wade is eventually overturned.

All the attacks on Christianity in this country and around the world, especially on Catholics, is getting to the point of an outright persecution.  Ever see attacks on Muslims or Jews?   That would be politically incorrect to say the least, and would lead to immediate condemnation.

The leftist, phony Vietnam Veteran, Phillips, and the likes of Gov. Cuomo, both have the same ends in mind: government control of our lives, especially our precious ability to co-create with our God and Creator.  These people hate the family and it shows.  They also hate societal norms as well as tradition.  They want to transform this country -- and the world -- into some weird socialist utopia where all are "equal" -- except them, of course!  I'm sure they see nothing wrong with such suppressive societies as China, for instance...

They also pretend to care for the environment (and "climate change"): a cause celeb among the elites.  Another reason to limit the size of families, or eliminate a good portion of the current population!

But how??  Your answer is as good as mine...

There's one thing these elites are forgetting: God will not be mocked.  He is, and continues to be, in control.

And if a true revolution takes place in our beloved country, these very same elites will be some of the first "to go."  They think they are safe; not so.  They are simply useful idiots, and the guillotine will fall on their heads, just as it might on ours.

Now more than ever, we must pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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