Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Hubert Humphrey Democrats...

Remember Hubert Humphrey?  If not, look him up.

In any event, he was the vice president of the U.S. from 1965, to 1969.

In my opinion, if Hubert Humphrey were alive today (he died in 1978), I don't think he would recognize those that label themselves Democrats these days; just the opposite, I contend.

In fact, I think he would be horrified at what passes for those in the Democratic party: socialists; communists; anarchists, racists, bigots; another endless list.

That is why I use the word Demonrats, instead of Democrats.  It is without doubt that those in the Demonrat party are, in fact, doing the work of Satan.

Isn't that a little too extreme, you might ask?

Not really.  When there are those hard-Left radicals in full support of the killing of the pre-born all the way up to birth!   How's that for premeditated, first-degree murder?

Is that okay with the majority of voters today?  And by the way, our tax monies are still -- STILL! -- fully funding Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood."

I point out one stunning example of such killers: the Governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo.  Note, that Cuomo is a "Catholic".  He is also an adulterer, and currently lives with his paramour, and, on top of that, he receives Holy Communion from the hands of his "bishop."  Truly disgusting, but not surprising considering the sad state of the new-order church today.

Gov. Cuomo has also proposed an amendment to the New York State constitution to enshrine in law, the "right" to kill the pre-born, this is over and above the SCOTUS diabolical 1973 Roe v Wade decision.

We have priests, bishops, cardinals (and up) that are not only homosexual and lgbtwxyz friendly, but openly support such heretics as "Fr." James Martin, while at the same time, censoring and condemning traditional Catholics trying their best to get through this veil of tears without losing their immortal souls, and the souls of those entrusted to them, namely, the souls of their families.

So what are faithful Catholics to do in light of this diabolical disorientation?   That's a good question.
The best thing is to continue to be true to the authentic Magisterium; pray for our Church, and always pray for our country, and our president that he may do the right things, or at least try..

Gene DeLalla

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