Wednesday, December 30, 2020

President Trump On St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop Of Canterbury, Martyred 1170 A.D...

 On December 29, 2020, President Trump declared a day of observance of a Catholic Saint; St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury who was martyred in his cathedral at the altar just as he was about to say Mass.  His martyrdom was extraordinarily gruesome.  I will not describe what was done to him, suffice to say, that the assassins carried out this horrid murder by instruction of King Henry II.

The Archbishop would not let any political power in England move in and govern, or destroy, any of the God-given liberties of the Catholic Church, and for this his former friend, Henry II, had him killed...

Now, on the surface, you might ask: "What's the big deal about President Trump making reference to a murdered Catholic Saint who died 850 years ago?"

I could almost agree with that question if it were not for the fact that St. Thomas Becket withstood the attempts of the secular authorities to rule the Church, or appoint bishops (as King Henry VIII did after he broke away from Rome and declared himself to be the head of the church in England).  But why would Mr. Trump mention this great Saint at this particular time in our country?  Could it be that he sees a milquetoast Catholic hierarchy in the U.S. not willing to stand up to the tyrannical and un-constitutional dictates of certain Democratic governors and mayors, shutting down churches or limiting the number of people who can attend services because of a perceived "pandemic"?   And, he knows how important the authentic Catholic church really is in order to maintain stability and morality in a world gone mad with hedonism and compromise?

President Trump is not Catholic, yet he still issues a formal declaration, by his power as President, to recognize a Catholic Saint!

There is something more going on here than meets the eye at least on the surface of this proclamation.  We have already seen and heard Mr. Trump speak fondly of the Catholic church and its uncompromising doctrines on life and marriage.  (The same can be said for the talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, now suffering with stage four lung cancer.  I have heard Mr. Limbaugh on more than one occasion defending those same, unchanging church teachings...)  

Most know that the president's wife is a Catholic, though we are not sure if she is doing her best to practice the faith she was born into.  On several occasions, she has manifested her faith especially when visiting Marion shrines. (Our Lady will never let anyone down who is dedicated to Her!)   Mrs. Trump could very well be influencing her husband and drawing him ever closer to convert to the Catholic religion...

It is quite curious that a Protestant president would specifically refer to and reflect on a Catholic Saint. This brings to mind Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., (who was killed in April, 1968), who once wrote a Letter from the Birmingham Jail, discussing what constitutes a just law.  In that letter, he referenced two, great Catholic Saints: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas and the elements that would make a law just or unjust...

In these troubled times, it is good to see President Trump standing up for the pre-born as well as the perennial teachings of the Catholic church.  Let us pray that Mr. Trump will some day enter the one Ark of Salvation, and bring his entire family with him to experience the saving graces of our Lord, and His most Blessed Mother...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, December 28, 2020

The "Hail Mary" "Pass"...

 With only a few days to go until the Electoral College votes are certified -- or not! -- I am hearing certain talking heads using the words "Hail Mary," referring to the last chance of President Trump retaining the highest office in the land.  By the way, I disagree with that analysis; if justice prevails, Mr. Trump will be sworn in for a second term as president...

First, I despise those non-Catholics (and some Catholics) using the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel, which was to announce to the future Mother of Christ, that she was full of grace and will conceive a Son by the power of the Holy Ghost; comparing that great event in the history of mankind, to a long-shot pass in a last-ditch effort to tie or win a football game with only seconds remaining on the clock, borders on blasphemy...

The actual verse is from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.  (Note: in most instances, I use the King James Version of the Bible to show my Protestant friends (whom I love!) how the KJV reveals and confirms the Catholic faith, especially when it pertains to the absolute need to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, (St. John, Chapter Six) in order to have life in you...)  The KJV of the Annunciation uses the words "highly favored."  In reality, the actual phrase used:  Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women... (St. Luke, 1:28.)  In all fairness, the KJV does say: blessed art thou among women!

Second, those who use the phrase "Hail Mary" in such a way, indicates a couple of possibilities... One, perhaps, is that there is a disdain for the Mother of our Lord, when, in reality, there should be love and veneration for the Mother of God.  This only makes for common sense, that is, if one considers himself/herself to be a Christian.  Another possible reason is fear: that non-believers are really not non-believers at all, but don't know how, or are afraid to approach and embrace the Catholic/Christian faith because of peer criticism, ostracism or worse, if they do...

Does that sound far-fetched?  Look at the history of the early church, when the followers of Christ were told to worship idols or suffer a cruel martyrdom.  In other words, the fear of torture and death would be the fate of the those who defied the brutal authorities of the day.  What is not far-fetched is those perilous times may be returning in short order if certain godless politicians gain the most powerful office in the world: that of President of the United States, and I'm not referring to Mr. Trump...

Solutions?  Storm Heaven with thousands, no, make that millions of Hail Mary's, and beg the Blessed Virgin Mary -- God's Mother -- to intercede for us poor pilgrims here on earth, for strength and honor in making potential life-altering choices, which would lead to enslavement by the secular humanists or to finish the race, and win the crown of martyrdom and life everlasting.  Compromise and appeasement simply won't do...

Mary most holy, pray for us...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 25, Not 2020, But 2,000 Years Ago: The Birth Of Christ...

 With all the chaos going on in the world and especially in our own country, it is easy to fall prey to despair and hopelessness.   (Despair, one of the great sins against the virtue of Hope.) 

Unfortunately, our taxpayer monies still go to the merchants of death: "planned parenthood" and their murderous cronies, to the tune of nearly $500,000,000 every single year.  President Trump is trying to undo some of that, thank goodness, but much more needs to be done.

We all know that the Democrats and their wealthy new-world-order financiers poured money and technology into the 2020 presidential election and attempted to steal the election from Mr. Trump, and hand it over to the corrupt, and apostate "Catholic," Biden.  And that's when the real persecution of faithful Catholics would happen.  Don't be surprised when the "thought police" come to your door simply for voicing the truth about God, country, and family...

If Biden does enter the White House, it will, for all practical purposes, be held hostage by an illegitimate "president," intent on destroying any pro-life advances made under President Trump.  In addition, paying back his Communist enablers, i.e., Red China.

Many Americans are still without work due to the phony numbers and draconian measures initiated by mostly Democratic governors and mayors, to lockdown and stifle honest-to-goodness businesses, not to mention the intentional separation of family from family, and friends from friends all in the name of containing a strain of the flu bug...

Justice?  There doesn't seem to be any, whether in the political or ecclesiastical realm.  We Catholics have to deal with a weakened and outright compromised hierarchy; good priests that preach the truth, only to be attacked, censured, or called nutcases, and bishops afraid to tell the secular authorities to keep their hands off our churches!  Where, by the way, is the so-called "separation of church and state" these days?  If the atheistic hard left can use that against us, why don't the bishops use that against them???

All this sounds pretty discouraging, I admit, but on December 25, 2020, we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Who came into the world to sanctify and save us from -- ourselves!  He also promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail against His -- faithful! -- church; the Elect; the Remnant... with such a promise, all trials and tribulations that we suffer in this life, will fail to destroy us, rather they will make us stronger to face that final challenge at the moment of our death.  Mary Most Holy, pray for us!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Nativity Scene In St. Peter's Square? Or A Work Of Blasphemy And Outright Evil...

 The following article is from with a reflection of Archbishop Vigano...

Considerations on the Nativity scene in Saint Peter’s Square...

"At the center of Saint Peter’s Square, a metallic tensile structure dominates the scene, hastily decorated with a tubular light, underneath which stand, disturbing as totems, a few horrible statues that no one endowed with common sense would dare to identify with the characters of the Nativity. The solemn background of the Vatican Basilica only serves to augment the abyss between the harmonious Renaissance architecture and the indecorous parade of anthropomorphic bowling pins.

"It matters little that these atrocious artifacts are the fruit of students of an obscure Abruzzo art institute: whoever dared to put together this affront to the Nativity did so in an era that, besides creating countless monstrosities of pseudo-art, did not know how to make anything beautiful or that merits to be preserved for posterity. Our museums and modern art galleries are overflowing with creations, installations, and provocations born from sick minds that straddle the Sixties and Seventies: paintings that are impossible to look at, sculptures that cause disgust, works of which it is impossible to determine either their subject or their significance. Nor were the churches spared: even they are overflowing with such works, always stemming from those unpropitious years, impudent contaminations produced by “artists” appreciated more for their ideological and political affiliation than for their talent.

"For decades, architects and craftsmen have been making horrifying structures, furnishings, and sacred ornaments of such ugliness that they leave the simple disgusted and scandalize the faithful. From this same evil root there has also stemmed, in a Bergoglian migrationist key, the bronze barge that is the “monument to the unknown migrant” which now disturbs the harmony of the right side of Bernini’s colonnade and whose oppressive weight is making the very cobblestones sink, to the consternation of the Roman people.

"It should be recalled that this year’s blasphemous Nativity scene was preceded by the equally sacrilegious one of 2017, offered to the Vatican by the shrine of Montevergine, a pilgrimage destination for the Italian homosexual and transgender community. This anti-nativity scene, “carefully planned and premeditated according to the dictates and doctrine of Pope Francis,” was supposed to depict alleged works of mercy: a naked man lying on the ground, a corpse with a dangling arm, the head of a prisoner, an archangel with a rainbow flower garland, and the cupola of Saint Peter’s shown in ruins.

"Similar attempts, in which the Nativity is taken as a pretext to legitimize very unhappy experiments, have been the torment of many of the faithful, forced to endure the extravagances of the clergy and their craving for innovation at all costs, the deliberate will to profane – in the etymological sense of making secular – precisely that which is sacred, separate from the world, set apart for worship and veneration: “ecumenical” Nativity scenes containing improbable mosques, “immigrationist” Nativity scenes depicting the Holy Family on a raft, and even Nativity scenes made out of potatoes or scrap metal.

"By now it is evident even to the most inexperienced that these are not attempts to update the Christmas scene, as the painters of the Renaissance or the 18th century did, dressing up the procession of the Magi with the costumes of the time. Rather, these are the arrogant imposition of blasphemy and sacrilege as an anti-theophany of ugliness, the necessary attribute of the Evil One.

"It is no coincidence that the years in which this Nativity scene was created are the same ones in which the Second Vatican Council and the reformed Mass emerged: its aesthetic is the same, as are its inspiring principles, for those years marked the end of a world and marked the beginning of contemporary society, just as they witnessed the beginning of the eclipse of the Catholic Church which has given way to the conciliar church.

"Fitting those huge ceramic artifacts into the kiln must have caused not a few problems, which the industrious teachers of the art school in Abruzzo overcame by breaking them into pieces. The same thing happened at the Council, where ingenious experts succeeded in forcing doctrinal and liturgical novelties into the documents that in other times would have been confined to the discussion of a clandestine little group of progressive theologians.

"The result of that pseudo-artistic experiment is a horror that is all the more horrifying the more the claim is made that the subject represented is the Lord’s Nativity. To have decided to call such a collection of monstrous figures a “Nativity scene” does not make it one, nor does it correspond to the purpose for which such scenes are exposed in churches, piazzas, and homes; namely, to inspire the adoration of the faithful before the Mystery of the Incarnation. Just as having called Vatican II a “council” has not made its formulations less problematic and certainly has not confirmed the faithful in the Faith, nor increased the frequent reception of the Sacraments, much less converted crowds of pagans to the Word of Christ.

"And just as the beauty of the Catholic Liturgy was replaced by a rite that excels only in squalor; just as the sublime harmony of Gregorian chant and sacred music was banned from our churches to make tribal rythyms and profane music resound within them; just as the universal perfection of the sacred language was swept away by the Babel of the vernacular languages; so the impulse of popular and ancient veneration devised by Saint Francis has been frustrated, in order to disfigure it in its simplicity and strip its soul away.

"The instinctive repulsion that this Nativity scene arouses and the sacrilegious vein it reveals makes it a perfect symbol of the Bergoglian church, and perhaps precisely in this ostentation of brazen irreverence towards an age-old tradition that is so dear to the faithful and to little ones, it is possible to understand the state of the souls who have wanted it to be there, beneath the obelisk, as an act of defiance against both Heaven and the people of God: souls without Grace, without Faith, and without Charity.

"Someone, in a vain attempt to find something Christian in those obscene ceramic statues, will repeat the error that was already made in allowing our churches to be gutted, our altars to be stripped, and the simple and crystalline integrity of doctrine to corrupted by the ambiguous muddledness that is typical of heretics.

"Let’s just say it clearly: that thing is not a Nativity scene, because if it was, it would depict the sublime Mystery of the Incarnation and Birth of the Son of God secundum carnem, the adoring admiration of the shepherds and Magi, the infinite love of Mary Most Holy for the Divine Infant, and the amazement of creation and the Angels. In short, it would depict the state of our soul as it contemplates the fulfillment of prophecies, our enchantment at seeing the Son of God in the manger, our unworthiness for redemptive Mercy. Instead, one becomes aware of, significantly, contempt for popular piety, the rejection of a perennial model that recalls the eternal immutability of Divine Truth, and the insensibility of arid and dead souls before the Majesty of the Infant King and the bended knee of the Magi. One becomes aware of the bleak grayness of death, the dark asepticity of the machine, the darkness of damnation, and the jealous hatred of Herod who sees his own power threatened by the salvific Light of the Infant King.

"Once again, we must be grateful to the Lord even in this trial, one that is apparently of lesser impact but still consistent with the greater tribulations we are undergoing, because it helps to remove the blindfolds from our eyes. This irreverent monstrosity is the mark of the universal religion of transhumanism hoped for by the New World Order; it is the expression of apostasy, immorality and vice – of ugliness erected as a model. And just like everything that is constructed by man’s hands without God’s blessing, indeed against Him, it is destined to perish, to disappear, and to crumble. And this will happen not because someone else will come to power who merely has different tastes and different sensibilities, but because Beauty is the necessary handmaid of Truth and Goodness, just as ugliness is the companion of lies and wickedness."

+ Carlo Maria ViganĂ², Archbishop

December 23, 2020
Feria IV infra Hebdomadam IV Adventus


Pray for strength and honor to resist to the face, the Evil One, regardless of what form or office it holds...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 17, 2020

"But Though We, Or An Angel From Heaven, Preach Any Other Gospel Unto You Than That Which We Have Preached Unto You, Let Him Be Accursed." (St. Paul; Galatians 1:8, King James Version)

From St. Paul's letter to the Galatians, 1:8: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (K.J.V.) 

In Ephesians, chapter 4, Paul goes on to describe false prophets (heretics), and false teachings (heresy), all meant to distract the followers of Christ from the true Gospel, and to deceive, if possible, even the Elect.

These teachings, or should I say, these stern warnings to the nascent Christian congregation in Galatia and Ephesus, holds just as much meaning today, as it did nearly 2,000 years ago, perhaps even more so.

Today, the Elect; the Remnant, are being bombarded by false prophets as well as an almost non-stop deluge of un-Christian doctrines and teachings emanating from the seat of what was once the true Catholic church.  In fact, as unbelievable as it may seem, we have witnessed idol worship right at the altar of St. Peter's in Rome.   This, however, is really nothing new, as we remember the incredible blasphemous scandal of false gods being placed on the altar at Assisi back in1986.  The so-called interreligious meeting was convened by Pope John Paul II.  At that sick event, the Buddha statue was also placed on the altar, right smack in front of our Lord in the tabernacle!  For his efforts at fostering idol worship, and other un-Catholic and un-Christian manifestations, the modernist, new-world-order church has proclaimed John Paul a "saint"!  But this too is nothing new as my article: The Assembly Line Of The Saint Factory (see here: "the workers on the "assembly line") points out the outrageous canonizations of the three Vat. II popes: John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II.  I also point out that the intent of these "canonizations" is not to edify Catholics around the world, but to solidify in cement, the rogue Second Vatican Council and its false doctrines and outright heresies fostered on a poorly catechized, milquetoast pew-sitter...

Since 2013, the modernists in the church have been emboldened by the likes of pope Bergoglio and those he has surrounded himself with, such as the anti-life population control, globalists/Marxists that have infiltrated -- or, should I say have been invited? -- into the many agencies of the Vatican.

In addition, he has appointed his modernists cronies to the college of cardinals, in effect "packing the college," as the Demonrats in the U.S. want nothing more than to pack the supreme court in order to complete their diabolical agenda to destroy our country, and our God-given rights guaranteed to us by our Creator, and enshrined in the Natural Law and our Constitution...

In reality, what is happening in secular society is inextricably connected to what is occurring in what passes for the modern Catholic church.  They have, in fact, many of the same goals: to erase orthodoxy and tradition, and replace it with novelty and an ideology that is diametrically opposed to Christ and His teachings.  We know that the church will never fail; we have our Lord's promise, but that doesn't mean that the human element will be as pure as the driven snow.  The human element of the church is composed of sinners -- you and I -- and those in the hierarchy that are tasked with shepherding their flock to the heavenly beatitude, have failed miserably as successors of the Apostles.  In many cases, they are complicit in the destruction of pre-born innocent life through silence, compromise, and appeasement, refusing to condemn and ex-communicate those pro-abortion "Catholics" in the Democratic party.  By the way, the Republicans are not immune to the horrors of being "pro-choice," as we know, evil makes no distinction between political parties and can snare anyone who rejects God and the Natural Law. 

These traitors to Christ -- and our country -- must be defeated at all costs, even up to and including martyrdom!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Assembly Line Of The Saint Factory...

 We can all use some inspiration and model folks to look up to in theses chaotic times.  For Catholics, those who persevered to the end of the race, suffered injustices and, in many cases, torture and death for the faith of Christ, have now been officially recognized as Saints in the Catholic church.  This is a good thing to be sure...

Three of my favorite Saints are St. John the Baptist, St. Ignatius of Antioch, and St. Polycarp.  St. John the Baptist, because he was the angel that paved the way for Our Lord (St. John was His cousin), St. Ignatius, because of his steadfastness in his preaching the Gospel as he was being dragged to Rome to be devoured by the wild beasts.  Amazingly -- or should I say, Providentially -- there are several of his letters still extant to this day exhorting the nascent Christian congregations and churches he met along the way, instructing and encouraging them to love one another -- and their enemies as well -- as Christ Himself demanded of His followers.  St. Ignatius was appointed Bishop of Antioch by St. Peter!!   St. Polycarp was the aged-angel, Bishop of Smyrna, (who's mentor was St. John the Evangelist!), also suffered death in the Coliseum at Rome.   

These two great, early church Fathers and Bishops were the genuine article.  Stalwarts of the faith of Christ and His church, spreading the Gospel to all those who would listen (faith comes by hearing (St. Paul)).  St. John the Baptist stood up to Herod and admonished him for his skullduggery of taking his brother's wife to be his concubine.  In other words, St. John didn't compromise on the prohibition of the Sixth Commandment: thou shall not commit adultery.  Herod didn't care to hear such a chastisement, and had St. John beheaded.   We are told in the Bible, that when Our Lord heard the news of St. John's demise, He cried!  He said of His cousin: no greater man has been born of woman, than St. John the Baptist!!   Imagine, these are the very words of the Creator of the Universe praising a "mere" man; a creature of His creation!!

Down through the centuries, especially during the persecution of the Roman Emperors, but certainly not limited to those killers, there have been many men, women -- and even children -- who were tortured and murdered because they would not capitulate to idol worship, or leave the Catholic church, to join a heretical sect, suffering the penalty of death, if they refused.  The barbarism of some of those martyred was almost too gross to imagine, let alone witness!  We know that God can use a great evil to have a good come of it, this was proven to be true, when some of those who participated in, or watched the martyrs go to their deaths, they were themselves converted to the one, true faith of Christ...

In many instances, it literally took hundreds of years for a person to be classified and canonized as a legitimate Saint in the church.  

Not so today...

We have -- as the title of my article reads: The Assembly Line Of The Saint Factory, turning out "saints" just as the early Model-T Fords rolled off the assembly lines in old Detroit, providing those who afford it, a new means of transportation in the early 1900's, for several hundred dollars.

As in those early Fords, there were certain criteria that had to be met in the quality control guidelines so folks who bought the cars, would have a workable steering wheel to guide the car in the direction that the driver wanted it to go, and brakes to stop the car.  In other words, basic performance and safety features in order to keep their buyers alive and coming back for additional sales; common sense...

Up to the 20th century, the requirements for sainthood were rigid, and investigation into the heroic virtue of the man or woman being considered worthy of being raised to the altar, were all part of the process before the august handle of Saint could be added to their names.   Some of the hurdles that had to be met in order for the cause for sainthood to go forward, were three, real and confirmed miracles; the "devil's advocate" -- testing the authenticity of supposed miracles as well as testimony of the people of a community that personally knew the dearly departed, etc...

Now let's compare the newly established requirements for sainthood since the early 1960's...

First, the requirement for three, confirmed and authentic miracles is gone.  Only one is necessary for sainthood.  Second, no more "devil's advocate"; gone.  Third, heroic virtue -- what does that mean these days?  For all practical purposes; gone... Fourth, even a five-year waiting period is at the discretion of the pope, and certainly not the hundreds of years that it took for so many good and holy men and women to be declared Saints.

Since the 1960's, the workers on the "assembly line" have been working overtime -- double shifts in some cases! -- turning out "saints" one after another, as a child going wild in a candy shop!  If we notice -- how can we not? -- all the conciliar (Second Vatican Council) popes are now, or will be "saints"! 


For one thing, the "miracle" attributed to the deceased is dubious at best, and fraudulent at worse.  Heroic virtue?   Maybe.   

Who or what are being canonized here?  Is it John XXIII (who gave us Vat. II); Paul VI (who gave  us the new "mass"); John Paul II (who worshipped idols at Assisi)?  Or is it the Council itself that is being canonized?  The Council that didn't let in "fresh air" into the church, instead, it let in the smoke of Satan (Paul VI said that)...

 Pope SAINT Pius X said that modernism is the synthesis of all heresies.  Good and faithful Catholics, look around and see the results of modernism gone wild; from the top down.  As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here (at his desk!)  How right he was...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 





Monday, December 14, 2020

Corruption Beyond Belief!!!

 The so-called "department of justice" wouldn't recognize the truth if it were staring it in the face.  Moreover, if the truth -- that means facts -- did make it into the upper echelons of the DOJ and the FBI, those career, political animals -- and that's what they are -- would simply ignore them, or worse.  

They might say something like this: "there's really nothing to see here, folks, so let's move on..."  That includes the lifetime-appointed judges sitting on the bench, ignoring the reality of corruption in the election process.  Many, but not all, of these judges were appointed by the previous administration.  That in itself should mean nothing, but we know that ideologies do enter into their decision-making.  That should be enough to charge them with malfeasance and be removed from office.  (The action of impeachment, does happen, but rarely, so justice continues to suffer for as long they live and occupy the bench.)

In light of all the election and voter fraud -- some of which is actually on video! -- that literally hundreds of good and decent Americans have signed affidavits, under penalty of perjury, you would think that law enforcement would take action to uncover and make right the wrongs perpetrated in the 2020 presidential election.  But no.  Instead, they explain away, in some twisted double-talk, the reported facts, and dismiss the very credible allegations as well as eye-witness accounts made by reputable election workers of both parties!  

The witnessing of voter and election irregularities is not just another "conspiracy theory," but hard evidence and facts that are fully documented by those very same affidavits, again, signed under the pain and penalty of perjury.  It is serious business to put one's signature to a document and swear -- to God almighty -- that something is real and true.  It should be remembered, that perjury can land a liar, if convicted, in a federal jail cell for many years!  

So, who won the 2020 election?  The leftist/Marxist media in conjunction with their political lackeys have crowned the incoherent, criminal Biden the new "president elect."  This is premature because lawsuits and investigations are ongoing as I write this missive...

It is very frustrating to see and hear high-ranking Democrat -- and Republican! -- talking heads that should be supporting the president and the administration, but instead they consistently dismiss the challenges to the election results in at least six states.  States that President Trump had enormous leads as we went to bed on the night of November 3rd, only to wake up to the "miraculous" turnaround in the vote count -- in Biden's favor!  

Let's face it, Mr. Trump is surrounded by the swamp and the deep state right smack in his own administration, the congress, senate -- and the cabinet?

Some might call them establishment Republicans or Trump haters, they are both, and more; they are traitors, not only to President Trump, but also to the country and the constituents they claim to represent. 

I am convinced, now more than ever, for the need for term limits on our congressmen, senators -- and judges!

Unless and until the Dept. of Justice and the FBI show some signs of life and live up to their oaths of office to protect, defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, they should all be fired before another day goes by, doing even more damage to our beloved Republic...

The next several weeks will reveal if we are to continue to be a representative republic, or descend into a socialist/Marxist hell-hole led by a compromised and corrupt Biden/Harris regime...  

Pray for strength and honor!!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Where Is Your Courage, Bergoglio??


Where Is Your Courage, Bergoglio????

See my comments and critique of the press release...  

By Associated Press, December 10, 2020...

By Associated Press

ROME: Pope Francis will celebrate Midnight Mass earlier than usual to comply with Italy's anti-coronavirus curfew [the mass hysteria of the so-called coronavirus is being perpetuated with un-scientific "facts."   Bergoglio is accepting, at face value, what the medical "authorities" declare -- and demand.] and will deliver his Christmas Day blessing indoors to prevent crowds from forming in St. Peter's Square.

The Vatican on Thursday released the pope's COVID-19 Christmas liturgical schedule.

It said the pope's December 24 Mass "which for years hasn't been celebrated at midnight at all but at 9:30 p.m. to spare pontiffs from the late hour" would begin at 7:30 p.m. this year.

Italy has imposed a 10 p.m. nationwide curfew, as well as restaurant closures and other restrictions, to try to prevent crowds from forming following a surge of COVID-19 infections and deaths this fall. [This is the same story that is being spread throughout the U.S... The scare tactics are working, as more and more gutless soy-boys capitulate to the illicit and un-constitutional dictates of badge-heavy civil and medical "authorities".  The surge, as they like to say, means nothing.  The new "cases" are because of the hundreds of thousands of tests now being administered.  One of the reasons for the "surge," is that the PCR tests are being manipulated to show false positives.  This is a known fact, but is completely ignored by the leftist media.  Again, to instill fear and continued panic and control over the gullible populace.  In addition, the media never reports the age groups of those infected, nor do they mention the co-morbidities that most of those elderly have.  And it is mostly, if not all, elderly that suffer from other diseases but are always listed as dying from COVID.]

Francis' other Christmas appointments were confirmed, but his Dec. 25 noontime speech and blessing will be delivered from inside St. Peter's Basilica rather from the loggia overlooking the piazza an appointment that normally would draw thousands of people to the square on Christmas morning.  [Nice.  Continue to eradicate more and more Catholic/Christian traditions in order to continue the lie of the "pandemic."  This is one of the main goals of the radical globalists: to stifle traditional worship of the new-born Babe.]

The Italian government has decided to maintain a hard line on anti-virus restrictions over the holidays in a bid to prevent families from gathering in big groups.  [That's right, continue to isolate and contain the populace, in general, and families in particular.  The hardline leftists know that one of the stumbling blocks of their conquest of Western civilization, and turning it into a Godless, socialist/Marxist utopia, is the breaking-up and destruction of the family.]

Public health officials have said inter-familial transmission was one of the biggest drivers of new infections in this second wave, which has killed over 25,000 people.  [Lie!  Again, this is another massive attack on the family unit!  The "second-wave" was planned long ago by rogue, anti-life, anti-Christ politicians and big pharma.  The 25,000 people cited in the article, means nothing, in the sense that those listed as dying from COVID, died from other causes, not the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID).  On the CDC’s own website, there is a footnote no. 1.  If one scrolls down to that footnote, it plainly reads deaths confirmed or presumed from COVID... This has been proven by brave scientists and medical professionals that have had their reports censored and deleted by the big tech social media giants.]  

Francis canceled his weekly public general audiences a few weeks ago after infections started to surge, including a cluster of a dozen cases among the Vatican's Swiss Guards.  [The lie continues to be repeated; if told often enough, it "becomes" the "truth."  New "cases" mean nothing; the tests are flawed!]

He now delivers his Wednesday catechism [Does Bergoglio really believe what is taught in the Catechism?  His recent actions and statements prove otherwise.] lessons from his library, as he also did during the height of the pandemic's first wave when the Vatican was in full lockdown.

Francis will also celebrate New Year's Eve vespers and New Year's Day Mass in the basilica.

None of the services is open to the public, given social-distancing norms.  [Right.  Keep healthy people isolated and contained.  Are we free citizens, or prisoners?  WE make the choice, not a rogue government!  Therefore, if we allow this to continue, then we are guilty of not standing up for our God-given rights enshrined in all humans that enter the world!]

Pray for President Trump and pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, December 11, 2020

What Happens When A Good Catholic Friend Dies??

 First, we mourn.  Next, we pray for our deceased friend's soul, that Our good Lord will have mercy on her and welcome her into His kingdom.

Is that all that we do when a faithful wife, mother, charitable Catholic goes to her judgment?


For one thing, we miss her; we will always remember her; we continue to pray for her.

We are glad, in a sense, that she is no longer suffering in this life, hoping that she has completely paid for any remaining debt of the temporal punishment to sins forgiven.   This is especially true because she received the great sacrament of Extreme Unction (the last rites of the church).

Am I presuming that she is, or will be in Heaven?  No, not at all, but we can recognize that the special graces given to the dying Catholic are real and indicate a sign of salvation.   If that is the case, then the church teaches that she does not have to spend any time at all, in Purgatory.   None!

The great promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary -- the Mother of Christ, Our Lord -- to those who were dedicated to Her in this life, can be believed, especially when one wears the Brown Scapular at their death...

Then what?

We can start to pray to her as an intercessor for us!

She was as a martyr; persevering in the Faith to the very end, attaining that treasured prize -- the crown of eternal life -- for the one who finishes the race (St. Paul).

For now, the family and friends of Theresa are saddened by her passing, but we can also be confident of where she will eventually be, if not already there: “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV)...

We should continue to pray for our dear friend, and, in turn, she will pray for us as we continue our journey through this veil of tears...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 10, 2020

It Has Been Proven: There Is Life After Death, As Thousands Of Dead People Have Voted In The 2020 Presidential Election!!

 This is great news!  There is life after death!  Take that, you atheists; you non-believers!  We Catholics (and others who label themselves as Christians) knew there was life after death, but the 2020 presidential election has proved what we knew all along!

Now, there is also proof that the dead are also aware of what happens here on earth; they do care and are involved -- directly, in some cases -- in the personal lives of their former loved ones and friends...

What the Bible teaches about the next life, as well as what the Catholic martyrs of the early church believed, has been proven in spades -- by the thousands!  Thousands of votes were cast, especially in the so-called "battleground states" by dead people.  So, is any more evidence needed to convince the world at large that we will have another life after this one?  I say no!  It is time to move on to the next big question: did those dead people realize that they cast their votes for a compromised, Communist puppet, Biden, and his entourage of his corrupt running mate, Harris?  I would have to believe that many of those dead voters were American patriots with some dying in battle to protect their beloved country, as well as freeing the European continent from the Nazi terror and bringing the Japanese Empire to its knees.  

Some, I'm sure, fought in "my" war, Vietnam, with their names appearing on the Wall in Washington, D.C.  I can't believe that my brothers would have voted for the anti-American, pro-death, Biden.  No way!

In light of all the evidence of voter fraud, that many of our dear departed voting public had their votes flipped from President Trump to Biden, they must be spinning in their graves, as the saying goes...

I don't blame them!  There must be a remedy for those of us who are still living, to right this great wrong for our dead American voters, since they cannot seek redress themselves...

Should we take this important issue to the supreme court?  Should we file lawsuits at the state level where there was the greatest fraud, such as in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, etc.??  The very least we can do for our dead voters is to pray for their souls that they make it to heaven, even if we can't get redress for their grievances here on earth...

In conclusion, I must say that even the anti-Christ, anti-life Democrats have confirmed that there is, in fact, life after death by counting all the votes of our departed brethren.  Thank you, Democrats...

Pray for our country and President Trump...

Strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Afraid To Respond To The Hard-Core Leftists? Are We Conservatives Too Nice?

 Why the silence in the face of outright lies and discrimination against those who consider themselves conservatives and pro-life?

Are we being too nice; are we afraid to respond to the hard-core leftists?

Christ, Our Lord -- the Lamb of God -- didn't remain silent; He acted, when He scolded and chased the moneychangers from the synagogue -- the Temple of His Father!

So why are we conservatives afraid to speak-up?

The Roman Empire lasted for nearly 700 years!  If we allow the Left to take over our government; if we don't speak-up and protest to the end, our Republic will come crashing down in very short order.  The grand experiment envisioned by the Founding Fathers, will end at year 244, not 500, or 700...

If President Trump is not certified on January 20, 2021, and the Biden/Harris cabal are successful at stealing and occupying the White House for at least four years, our beloved country as we know it, will die a not-so-slow death.

The time for being "nice," is over!

It is time to take the gloves off and fight for what we believe in and protect our Constitutional rights as given to us by our good God, and enshrined in the Natural Law.  There are very few politicians and judges who are willing to fight for us, so we have to take the reigns of government out of the hands of the incoming socialists and outright Communists.  If we don't, then we will become mere serfs and enslaved for the rest of our natural lives.  

If you don't care about your own life and liberties, then think about your children and grandchildren.  Does the prospect of living under the heavy-handed globalist elite scare you?  If not, then you are part of the problem.  But it is more than a problem, it will be the end of our way of life.  Our rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history; we will be no better than any other third-world hell-hole where every aspect of our lives will be dictated to by a compromised, apostate "Catholic" Biden and the radical, anti-Catholic bigot, Harris.  

Both Biden and Harris are the most radical and extreme supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born, bar none.  They will foster even more killing of the pre-born by increasing, not decreasing, our tax monies to further fund the killing machines, i.e., "planned parenthood" and the many other abortion mills still operating in our country...

We get no help or even verbal support from the "Catholic" hierarchy in our nation.  Their silence is deafening!  They are completely compromised almost to the last man.  

If the supreme court doesn't nullify the 2020 presidential election, then I would urge President Trump not to leave the White House; stand firm, even if he has to use loyal military forces to do it!

Not such a "nice" prospect, but the only avenue left for those who believe in the rights and liberties instilled in us when we came into the world...

Pray for President Trump and pray for our country!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla 


Monday, December 7, 2020

Massive Election And Voter Fraud In The 2020 Presidential Election; Massive Spiritual Fraud Among The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: Are They Related?


The incredible weakness in the novus ordo hierarchy is stunning!  The milquetoast reaction to the secular authorities demanding that churches be shut down -- again! -- due to the so-called "surge" in new cases of the Wuhan virus, is further proof that they have nearly all deserted their flocks to the ravenous, anti-Christ wolves.  In addition, their response to the new -- mostly untested -- COVID-19 vaccines and the legitimate, faithful Catholics' refusal to take the poison, is nothing short of a sell-out of perennial Church teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death.  These bishops know full well that the cell-lines used in the concoction of the vaccines include the tissue of aborted babies, yet most have pronounced that they are acceptable, and we should have no objection to being injected with the un-natural elements that make up this witches-brew of chemicals and the tissue of murdered babies...  

It should be noted that most of the draconian measures now being mandated are from Democratic governors and mayors holding a near death-grip on the necks of their citizens.  However, it is becoming more apparent than ever, that a number of Republican governors are falling for the false science being parroted by the leftist mainstream media concerning the new cases of the Wuhan virus.  

Cases versus hospitalizations versus deaths...

Is there a difference?

The answer is a resounding yes!

The "surge" in new cases of the virus means nothing; hospitalizations are for those elderly with co-morbidities, mostly of the elderly, and that coincides with their deaths.  But the Marxist media conspirators do not mention the age groups nor their co-existing diseases that are supposedly being infected with the COVID virus leading to their deaths.  We already know that the PCR tests are being manipulated as it has been proven by many health-care professionals, physicians and scientists.  In fact, it may be a simple cold or influenza that brought them to the hospital in the first place!  Make no mistake, it is planned that way to continue to instill fear, panic and, ultimately, control of nearly every aspect of our lives, both public and private, now -- and forever. 

The mainstream narrative sights science for demanding that all wear face-mask; un-social distancing, and stay-at-home isolation tactics.  The actual science is quite different.  Face-masks are ineffective; filthy -- after several hours of wearing, and do nothing to protect the wearer or those around them.  Doctors and scientists have proven this over and over again, but it falls on the deaf ears of an indoctrinated populace, unwilling or incapable of questioning the lies.  The widespread capitulation on the part of our fellow citizens to the illicit, un-constitutional dictates of petty tyrants, is scary.  But there are new, and ever-growing movements across the country, defying the lockdowns and restrictions on businesses and church services, mostly in Democratic controlled cities and states.  

Getting back to the question: is there a connection between the massive election and voter fraud perpetrated by traitors to our country, and massive spiritual fraud among the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic church today?

It is without question that as the church goes, so goes society.  In this case, as in many others, the church's compromise of its core, moral, and spiritual values and teachings, has led to the destruction of uncountable millions of souls over the last 55 to 60 years, from just before the Second Vatican Council, to the present.  The revolution that took place in Rome starting back in 1962, and ending in late 1965 (the years of the Council), was the continuation of the ongoing revolution that began after Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden.  (It should be noted that shortly after the expulsion from the Garden of Paradise, the first murder was committed when Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and envy; two traits of our fallen nature.)

This is not an oversimplification of historical or ecclesiastical events, rather it is a snapshot of the disaster of events in the church and society.  No longer is the novus ordo Catholic church looked to as a moral and spiritual beacon, not only to Catholics, but also to the world at large, as it once had been.  Is it any wonder why corruption, sexual predation, compromise and appeasement is the rule rather than the exception among the bishops to the secular authorities?   Most bishops, purposely, I feel, do not even mention or consider the traditional movement in our country, as well as in many other Western countries; just the opposite, many if not all of the hierarchy are antagonistic toward traditionalists including the Traditional Latin Mass.  

But why?

Could it be that such traditionalists are seen as a threat to the power of the cabal of bishops who want to maintain the status quo, regardless of the empty pews and the continuing revelations of sexually abused victims by homosexual predators in the novus ordo?  If this is true -- and the facts bear out this hypothesis! -- then one can only conclude that most bishops have sold their souls to Satan for power, influence and position in this life, regardless of the consequences they will surely face in the next.  Another major reason for their arrogance and disdain for church teaching, by the majority of the bishops, is that they feel emboldened by the current reigning pope in the person of Bergoglio, sitting in the Chair of St. Peter.   

We are being chastised for our spiritual sloth and, in many cases, our outright denial that in order to attain eternal salvation, one has to come in to the (authentic) Catholic Church, conversely, outside of which, there is no salvation for any human creature.  This fact, too, has been denied by the majority of those men who have been elevated to the rank of bishop, adding to the extreme weakness in the church, capitulating to the spirit of the age, rather than evangelizing those on the outside to enter the one Ark of salvation...

Please continue to pray for President Trump and our country...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Will Be Leaving Facebook To Concentrate On Fighting -- And Winning! -- My Battle With Cancer..

 Back in the mid-1970's, I was stationed at the Coast Guard Group office in downtown Boston right smack on the waterfront.  Boston harbor was a hub of boating activity, with many "captains" taking themselves and their families out for a cruise to enjoy the many sights available to all Bostonians.  This was especially true during the summer, when boaters of lesser experience or responsibility, would take to the sea, lacking some basic safety protocols, as well as consideration for their fellow boating public.   On a typical summer weekend, things would begin to get just a "wee bit" busy!    

It wasn't only civilian, Sunday boaters that gave constant headaches to the Coast Guard, but also commercial fishermen setting out in sometimes-rough seas in their rickety -- and leaking -- boats.  Sure, they had to make a living, but they knew that if they started to take on water, they could call the Coast Guard and get additional water pumps delivered, or towed back to Boston or Gloucester...   

The communications center, or radio room, was manned by one petty officer radioman, along with a supervisor during the daytime hours.  When the supervisor left at the end of his shift, (he worked a regular eight-hour tour) all responsibilities for successfully operating the center, fell on the shoulders -- and experience -- of the lone radioman.  There was always a staff duty officer, usually a high-ranking petty officer up to the Master Chief grade, available, not only to advise and direct the rescue boats and crew, but also to write sit-reps (situation reports).  In addition, he could request further assistance from the District HQ, in the form of Coast Guard helicopters or larger C.G. ships to run search patterns for those reported missing... 

My main duties were voice -- search and rescue operations, as well as providing mariners with security,  weather updates and warnings.  The training and experience of the radioman played a crucial part in helping to save lives using his authoritative and knowledgeable voice, giving those in distress, confidence that they will be plucked out of the cold Boston harbor waters.   

The ability to prioritize tasks was the radioman's best friend, especially when several calls for help and assistance came into the communications center at the same time.  If someone ran out of gas, that's one thing, but if a boat was taking on water, with the distinct possibility of sinking, that's another.  I have personally worked a case, where the captain called a May-Day distress call, telling me his boat was on fire -- and his family was on board!   That became priority number one!    

 I can recount many situations over my three-and-a-half years working SAR (search and rescue), and meeting only once, a couple -- father and daughter -- that were rescued and brought to the duty officer's room (separated from the communication center by a sliding glass door).  They were thankful and happy, as we wrapped them in blankets until they were checked-out and finally released.  

My ability to prioritize helped me to save others using my voice, now I must prioritize my activities in order for me to combat and defeat my battle against cancer.  I will never give up!  And with the many good and decent folks using their voices praying for me, I know that Our Lord will hear those prayers, and be merciful to me.  

I will continue to write articles and post them on my blog:  If you wish to know when I post a new article, simply go to my blog-site; scroll down to the lower right hand corner, where you will see "Follow by Email," enter your e-mail address and hit "Submit."   

God bless all!!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Showing Their True Colors...

 Are you sick and tired of so-called Republicans not supporting, and, in fact, backstabbing President Trump in his efforts to seek justice out of an election so tainted with fraud and outright felonious actions, that it is almost impossible to decipher which end is up?  

I am.

It is not only the mainstream, leftist media that continues with the lies of giving the apostate "Catholic" Biden the exulted title of "president elect," it is also much of the alt-right, or "conservative" talking heads on commercial radio as well as in those publications and websites that we used to think would fight to the very end of the battle until victory is attained.  But no.  Instead of giving Mr. Trump encouragement and condemning the obvious coup d'etat against our president, they seem to have given in to the idea that the election is a done deal; it is not!

Here is a prime example of the milquetoast "department of justice" giving their take on the election.  From

"Attorney General Bill Barr in an interview with The Associated Press said Tuesday that the DOJ has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the presidential election.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP...

"Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign Senior Legal Adviser Jenna Ellis released a statement reacting to Barr’s comments, saying that “there hasn’t been any semblance” of an investigation by the Justice Department.

"With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, which they have not examined. We have many witnesses swearing under oath they saw crimes being committed in connection with voter fraud. As far as we know, not a single one has been interviewed by the DOJ. 

"The Justice Department also hasn’t audited any voting machines or used their subpoena powers to determine the truth.

“Nonetheless, we will continue our pursuit of the truth through the judicial system and state legislatures, and continue toward the Constitution’s mandate and ensuring that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not. Again, with the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud."

Update as of this morning... It now seems that Attorney General Barr has declared that they are and will continue to investigate any wrongdoing regarding the presidential election!  Stay tuned!!  

My comment:

That is why we must never -- never! -- give in until those responsible for massive voter and election fraud are exposed and face a jury of their peers, and, hopefully, spend the rest of their natural lives writing books in a federal penitentiary.

Each day, there is more evidence to show just how bold and arrogant those, enamored by the prospect of a Biden/Harris administration, have cheated, lied, and have broken their sacred oath to protect the U.S. Constitution as well as their own state constitutions.  This is not speculation on my part, but testimony from over 100 citizens, both Republicans and Democrats, who have written affidavits, and have sworn to almighty God, the truth of what they saw and experienced on election night, and after...    

 I realize that the Trump legal team is fighting an uphill battle, but it must be fought to the very end; nothing less than the very survival of the United States of America is at stake!

There are real heroes putting their reputations and their very lives on the line in order to dig for the truth and expose the evildoers and bring them to justice; some are politicians faithful to their constituents, and some are ordinary citizens seeking a just result of the presidential election.

This election is not just about who will spend the next four years in the White House, it is also -- and more importantly -- about living in our country, exercising our God-given and constitutionally protected rights ingrained in all human beings when they enter the world.  If the Biden/Harris conspiracy succeeds, be ready to suffer for your moral and spiritual traditions from the likes of the anti-Catholic bigot, Harris, and the radical supporter of the homosexual and "transgender" agendas, the apostate "Catholic" Biden.  Both Biden and Harris are also the most extreme supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born in the most barbaric of ways!   These miscreants must be defeated and true justice victorious!

Finally, we must support, at all costs, the Second Amendment; without the 2nd, all of our other rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history, and enslavement under a socialist/Marxist, demented Biden will follow...

Pray for President Trump, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Monday, November 30, 2020

Remembering December 7, 1941...

 December is right around the corner and the "day that will live in infamy" is also quickly approaching.

My readers should all know this date from the history books, or had relatives that might have been at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese launched a "sneak attack" on America, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Folks were on their way to church; sailors and Marines were in "holiday routine," yet in the process of the raising of the Flag and the military bands were playing the National Anthem; it was 8:00 A.M.... 

Since that infamous day, there have been other "sneak attacks" on America, or, should I say, from within America, by those who's aim is to destroy what the Founding Fathers established: a representative republic designed to have liberty and justice for all..  But we know that there have been, and still are, scallywags intent on making our beloved nation into an image and likeness -- of themselves

The Bible relates how Christ, our Savior, encountered corrupt leaders of His time, filling their pockets with filthy lucre, demanding that those under them live and act a certain way, while, at the same time, lived, just the opposite way.  Christ labeled such men as hypocrites -- one of the reasons for His eventual arrest and crucifixion.  It was obvious that the religious and temporal rulers didn't like being told the truth.  In fact, we know they couldn't even recognize the Truth standing right in front of their eyes!

Why do I bring up biblical history when remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor 79-years ago?  It might help by recounting former president, Eisenhower, and his eye-opening speech, just as he was about to leave office, and the new president, John F. Kennedy, was about to take office.  Eisenhower, the former supreme allied commander in World War II, warned the American people of the threat to our liberties, as well as to our peace and harmony, by the ever-growing and powerful, military industrial complex.  

I understand that there must be a relationship between our military -- let's call it the Pentagon -- and those commercial industries that produce weapons of war to deter, and, if necessary, fight and defeat a perceived enemy.  You can't have one without the other, but Eisenhower's warning referred to those secret entities accruing vast amounts of unaccountable monies from the taxpayers, and using those monies, not for the good of the nation, but for evil purposes.  In effect, creating a false god -- an idolatry! -- of power and control over the foreign policies of our country, and those that make those policies.  It is easy to see where that has led us, down through the years, especially after the Second World War, even to our present day, with un-ending wars and rumors of wars...

President Trump had recognized this sad fact way before he was even considering running for president in 2016.  And now, he is making good his pledge to bring the troops home from at least two war-torn countries; Iraq and Afghanistan, drawing down, in increments, to a point where there will only be about 2,500 troops in each country by the end of January, 2021...

After his announced draw-down, those powerful, deep-staters in the military-industrial complex, went ballistic!  Accusing the president of creating a potential and massive security threat -- to our country!   

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in Germany?   World War II ended 75 years ago!

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in South Korea?  The Korean armistice was signed 67 years ago! 

I haven't mentioned the numerous other countries where we have an almost continuous, and ever-growing, military presence, especially in some of the other Middle East nations, as well as on the African Continent.  

Once we get into a quagmire, it is almost impossible, it seems, to dig, or pull ourselves out.  This is not by happenstance, but by careful planning and execution, in my opinion...  

There is always hope, however, and that hope does not lie in one, particular politician or political party to be our "savior," but in the one, true Savior of mankind, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him, we can do everything!  

Pray for President Trump, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 28, 2020

What Will YOU Do, And How Will You Respond If Biden/Harris Hold The White House Hostage??

 As in the Catholic church, we must resist -- to the face! -- this rogue, errant pope Francis, we must also be willing to resist -- to the face! -- a rogue, errant, potential, president Biden, whose hands are dripping with the blood of the pre-born, planning to turn our beloved nation into a third-world hell-hole of socialism, beholding to the likes of the murderous monster dictator, Xi of Communist Red China.  

There is no choice here, but to not accept the results.  We are witnessing a massive election and voter fraud, to such an incredible extent, that has never before been seen in our nation's history.  Will they -- the Demonrats -- get away with it?  We will see, in  the next couple of weeks, when the electors cast their votes in the Electoral College on December 14th.  If all of the challenges of President Trump's legal team fail, we will have a corrupt, compromised Biden, taking the helm of the ship-of-state, that is, until he can no longer put one, single cohesive sentence together.  At that point, the radical anti-Catholic bigot, Harris, will take over.  If that happens, all Catholics -- in fact, all Christians of any stripe -- should get ready for actual persecution and denial of our First Amendment right to practice our religion without coercion or interference from the government.  I should add that our rights do not come from government, but from God almighty as enshrined in the Natural Law.  It is the job of government to safeguard and protect those rights, not infringe or destroy our right to worship God the way He wants us to worship Him!  

The tyrant, Xi, of Red China, recently complained that Americans have too many guns!  Did you get that?   Why would he think and say that?  He knows that a disarmed citizenry cannot stand up to the regime, hell-bent on enslaving its people, that's why.  I don't think he realizes the number of veterans still living and loving their fatherland, as well as the millions of hunters throughout our great land.  There just might be an actual "Red Dawn" in the not-too-distant future, and, maybe, a new generation of "Wolverines" fighting to take back the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Communist dictators and leftist politicians hate the fact that we Americans have the Second Amendment -- the right to keep and bear arms.  That fact upsets and frustrates their plans to make us completely subservient to their every illicit, un-natural whim.  There are already plans in the works to register -- and confiscate -- our weapons!!  That will not happen!  

The so-called "devout Catholic" Biden, and the self-described same, Pelosi, are emboldened by Bergoglio, holding the Chair of St. Peter hostage, as a Biden administration will hold the White House hostage for a possible four-year-term of office; that horrible thought just might become a reality...

Even if President Trump is not successful in winning the Oval Office for a second term, there is no need to completely despair, as we have Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His most Blessed Mother to sustain us in times of tribulation and persecution!  That is a winning combination that cannot be defeated!

 Pray for strength and honor and pray for President Trump!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How Many People Die From Medical Errors In The U.S. Each Year?

 From comes the following harrowing statistics.  Keeping in mind, that the "statistics" are people, not just numbers!! 

Top Health Statistics

  •  Medical billing errors cost Americans $210,000,000,000 annually.
  • Roughly 12,000,000 Americans are misdiagnosed each year.
  • Medical errors cause an estimated 250,000 deaths in the United States annually.
  •  As many as 80 percent of medical bills contain at least one error.
  • A little more than 4,000 surgical errors occur each year.
  • It’s estimated that 7,000 to 9,000 patients die every year from medication errors.

As you can see from our top stats, medical errors are abundant in the American health care system.  What qualifies as a medical error, and how can you know if you or a loved one has been the victim of one?

What Is a “Medical Error”?

According to the book Medical Error, it is defined as a “preventable adverse effect of medical care, whether or not it is evident or harmful to the patient.” (Emphasis added.)

As a patient, you may not even know a medical error has taken place, and even if you do know about it, the medical error may not negatively affect you in any way.  However, many medical errors are quite serious, and can even result in death.

According to data provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in seven patients on Medicare in a hospital setting is the victim of a medical error.

A Johns Hopkins study released in 2016 estimated that roughly 250,000 people die ANNUALLY because of medical errors.  That would make medical errors the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind only heart disease and cancer.

My comment:  How many people have died, supposedly, from the current "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)?  According to the CDC, about 6-7 percent of those people infected with the virus have died from March 2020 to the current date of November 24, 2020.  That comes out to about 14,000-15,000, regardless of what the mainstream media propaganda machine spews out daily all over TV and the Internet trying to scare the hell out of a gullible American populace...

Even one death is to be mourned, so how about the 250,000 folks that die from medical errors?  Where is the outcry and investigations and the remedies to curtail these horrific numbers?  Why aren't doctors and pharmaceutical conglomerates put on notice that they will be investigated and brought to justice?  Is it because they feel immune or above answering for their malpractice and malfeasance?

We are currently experiencing another widespread draconian lockdown just in time for the upcoming holiday season.  We've been told that we should be isolated this Thanksgiving and not share our joys with our family and friends.  The next -- and much more important -- celebration of Christmas and the birth of our Savior, seems to be in the crosshairs of the Christ-hating, new-world-order globalists!    We cannot and will not let that happen!  If we do let that happen, then we have no one to blame but ourselves and our milquetoast response to tyrannical governors and mayors, with little or no help coming from weak-kneed Catholic bishops.  They are have the disgusting habit of capitulating to the secular-humanist powers that are in control of almost every aspect of our lives!

Pray for JUSTICE!  And pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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