Monday, November 30, 2020

Remembering December 7, 1941...

 December is right around the corner and the "day that will live in infamy" is also quickly approaching.

My readers should all know this date from the history books, or had relatives that might have been at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese launched a "sneak attack" on America, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Folks were on their way to church; sailors and Marines were in "holiday routine," yet in the process of the raising of the Flag and the military bands were playing the National Anthem; it was 8:00 A.M.... 

Since that infamous day, there have been other "sneak attacks" on America, or, should I say, from within America, by those who's aim is to destroy what the Founding Fathers established: a representative republic designed to have liberty and justice for all..  But we know that there have been, and still are, scallywags intent on making our beloved nation into an image and likeness -- of themselves

The Bible relates how Christ, our Savior, encountered corrupt leaders of His time, filling their pockets with filthy lucre, demanding that those under them live and act a certain way, while, at the same time, lived, just the opposite way.  Christ labeled such men as hypocrites -- one of the reasons for His eventual arrest and crucifixion.  It was obvious that the religious and temporal rulers didn't like being told the truth.  In fact, we know they couldn't even recognize the Truth standing right in front of their eyes!

Why do I bring up biblical history when remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor 79-years ago?  It might help by recounting former president, Eisenhower, and his eye-opening speech, just as he was about to leave office, and the new president, John F. Kennedy, was about to take office.  Eisenhower, the former supreme allied commander in World War II, warned the American people of the threat to our liberties, as well as to our peace and harmony, by the ever-growing and powerful, military industrial complex.  

I understand that there must be a relationship between our military -- let's call it the Pentagon -- and those commercial industries that produce weapons of war to deter, and, if necessary, fight and defeat a perceived enemy.  You can't have one without the other, but Eisenhower's warning referred to those secret entities accruing vast amounts of unaccountable monies from the taxpayers, and using those monies, not for the good of the nation, but for evil purposes.  In effect, creating a false god -- an idolatry! -- of power and control over the foreign policies of our country, and those that make those policies.  It is easy to see where that has led us, down through the years, especially after the Second World War, even to our present day, with un-ending wars and rumors of wars...

President Trump had recognized this sad fact way before he was even considering running for president in 2016.  And now, he is making good his pledge to bring the troops home from at least two war-torn countries; Iraq and Afghanistan, drawing down, in increments, to a point where there will only be about 2,500 troops in each country by the end of January, 2021...

After his announced draw-down, those powerful, deep-staters in the military-industrial complex, went ballistic!  Accusing the president of creating a potential and massive security threat -- to our country!   

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in Germany?   World War II ended 75 years ago!

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in South Korea?  The Korean armistice was signed 67 years ago! 

I haven't mentioned the numerous other countries where we have an almost continuous, and ever-growing, military presence, especially in some of the other Middle East nations, as well as on the African Continent.  

Once we get into a quagmire, it is almost impossible, it seems, to dig, or pull ourselves out.  This is not by happenstance, but by careful planning and execution, in my opinion...  

There is always hope, however, and that hope does not lie in one, particular politician or political party to be our "savior," but in the one, true Savior of mankind, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him, we can do everything!  

Pray for President Trump, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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