Sunday, November 8, 2020

New World Order = Enslavement For You And Your Family!

 If election results of the traitor/Marxist Biden -- and the even more radical Harris -- stands, the New World Order will have it's biggest -- compromised -- proponent sitting in the Oval Office for at least a few months.  

Wait!  Isn't the term of president four years?  Yes, but Biden is incoherent much of the time; can't even remember where he is much of the time, and can't speak extemporaneously much of the time without a teleprompter spoon-feeding him what to say so he doesn't make a fool out of himself -- as he does much of the time...

So what will happen after the "few months" that I mentioned?  Harris will assume the presidency.  If and when that happens, get ready to defend yourself and your freedoms to the ultimate sacrifice!  This will be a war -- not only of words, but a physical war.  It just might be another "Mad Max" scenario where we have to take the offense in order for us and our families to survive and defend our rights, especially our right -- and duty -- to worship our good God.  Make no mistake, the family unit will be -- and has been -- the target of the evil one since our first parents were thrown out of the Garden! 

I know most Americans have very short memories -- can that be because of the various poisons, including fluoride, that has been added to the municipal water supplies? -- so I will remind my readers that we have Biden, in a video, speaking at the CFR, telling his cronies that if the prosecutor in the Ukraine isn't fired (the one investigating his corrupt son, Robert Hunter), the government will not get the $1,000,000,000 (BILLION!) in "aid." 

What I just described is a "quid pro quo."  Remember too, that the hard left always accuse us -- and President Trump -- of what they do!

The illicit election of Biden and company -- if not overturned -- will be the culmination of a coup d' tat . And I pray that coup will fail miserably, and President Trump will prevail and serve our nation for four more years.  

Let us also remember that Biden is an apostate "Catholic" who supports, to the hilt, the baby-killing machine, "planned parenthood," as well as other baby-slaughtering "industries" reaping in hundreds of millions of dollars in blood money.   He will foster, and probably increase, the annual windfall of taxpayer monies that helps to pay for the ongoing genocide of the pre-born.  President Trump is attempting to defund, as much as possible, this scourge of death: the real plague, the real pandemic, wounding our country.  

I, for one, will not recognize Biden as the legitimate leader of our country, if he, in fact, takes office.  

He is an agent of the Marxists.  He has sold his soul to Satan for power and influence in this world, regardless of the consequences he will surely face at his Particular Judgment in the next...

Pray that the legal team assembled to defend Mr. Trump gets to the bottom of the corruption in the recent election, indicts and prosecutes those responsible successfully, and that our president will continue at the helm of the ship-of-state...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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