Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Anger Management: Be Angry And Sin Not (St. Paul)...

 For anyone that believes in truth, justice, and the American way, it is difficult not to be angry at what we see going on in our beloved fatherland, with voter fraud in the recent presidential election; support for baby killers; rampant homosexuality in the clergy -- and not just in the "Catholic" clergy, but also in the various Protestant denominations.  The only difference is, is that you don't hear about that.  Or; how about homosexual predators in the Jewish communities?  Nope, not there either...

Has anyone lost their only means of generating income for themselves and their families due to a phony "pandemic" of the so-called Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19)?  How could anyone not be angry at that?

How could anyone not be angry at the violence of the radical leftists and their minions in the Marxist movement to destroy our cities and the primary building block of society -- the family unit?

How could faithful Catholics look and listen to Pope Bergoglio and not be angry and dismayed at his defiance of what the church has taught for 2,000 years regarding faith and morals?

If you listen and watch the mainstream media, how could any right-thinking patriot not be angry at the biased, bigoted and racially charged comments fomenting discord and violence in our inner cities?  It should be noted, by the way, that they are mostly run by Democrats, hence the untamed and uncontrolled murder and mayhem we hear about almost on a daily basis; e.g., Chicago, where this past weekend over 50 people were shot and five or more mortally?

Are we in a war zone, or is this the "new normal"?

Just think: if Biden and company manage to steal the Oval Office, there just might be an actual civil war.  And, no, I am not the only patriot who thinks that scenario is possible.  That is why upholding and defending our Second Amendment rights is so important, because if that God-given right to self-defense is weakened or completely destroyed, all our other God-given rights will be, for all practical purposes, null and void.  In other words, we will be subject to the whims and dictates of the oligarchs and their anti-American, communist handlers.   

True Americans, cannot, and will not, let that stand!

As the church goes, so goes society...

There is so much of an anti-life, pro-culture of death ethos that permeates our society, and, in particular the clergy -- both Catholic, Protestant and Jewish -- that it is apparent to me that our good God is punishing us for our sins and the attacks on His gift of life and family.  Far too many people have given themselves over to Satan and his minions for power, influence, and position in this life, and to hell with the consequences they will face in the next.  

We should be angry about what we see and hear on a daily basis, but we should also be angry and hate -- yes hate! -- sin and evil.  We cannot claim to love God and, at the same time, love sin!  That is a spiritual impossibility!  We have to make the right choice; a choice that will determine our eternal fate...

As St. Paul tells us in Ephesians, 4:26 (King James Version): "...be angry and sin not."   

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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