Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 If something doesn't go your way, you just might exclaim the following: "Oh, Rats"!  Some folks, however, have been known to use, shall we say, a slightly more descriptive phrase, rated at least "PG-13," to express their frustration, and maybe even anger...

The "rats" I'm referring to, has little to do with any particular frustration, but to those men in black -- the hierarchy of the Catholic church -- that have been tasked with the grave responsibility to guide their flock to Christ and everlasting life.

We know from our catechism that the reason why we are here on this earth, is to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.  Every little child knows this, so why have so many adults forgotten the primary goal to persevere to the end of the race, and win the eternal prize??   There seems to be a massive rebellion against this basic premise, in favor of sacrificing the chance of sharing in the joys of heaven for the fleeting and very temporary pleasures that this world has to offer.

Take for instance, the recent endorsement and congratulatory messages for "president elect," Joseph Biden, keeping in mind that Biden and company are the most radical of all individuals or groups that are in favor of dismembering or chemically dissolving the tiny pre-born baby girl developing in her mother's womb.  In fact, he has pledged to use even more taxpayer monies to fund this ongoing genocide, particularly those babies of our black brothers and sisters! 

If Biden claims to be a "practicing Catholic," and he does, wouldn't you wonder what a non-practicing Catholic would look and act like??  It seems that the moral and spiritual bar has been lowered to such an extent, that not even a slithering, slimy slug would be unable to crawl under it.  If there is no admonishing of such public sinners, or public ex-communication of these apostates, how can anyone have one ounce of faith in the actions and statements coming out of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)??  

How can this be happening?  

One answer is that these traitors of Christ, Our Lord, are emboldened by the words, writings, and actions emanating from the mouth and pen of the currently reigning, Bishop of Rome, pope Bergoglio.

The pope is supposed to be the leader of over 1,000,000,000 --BILLION -- Catholics, guarding and upholding the sacred Deposit of Faith: Scripture and Tradition.  He is not to be an innovator, yet that is exactly what he is doing with his attacks on traditional religious houses; the teachings on faith and morals; idolatry, and, it is rumored, the next item on the chopping block, is the Traditional Latin Mass.  I will say this: if the Traditional Latin Mass is abrogated, there should be -- no, there will be rebellion, and I hope, disobedience by our priests loyal to Christ, not a renegade pope!  I admit, that if that happens, a whole "Pandora's Box" of worms will be let loose, and maybe that's what it will take to shake these apostates to their very bones, and return them to the only faith that will save their souls!! 


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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