Tuesday, November 17, 2020

On November 18, 1920, Russia Legalized Abortion...

 On the anniversary date of Russia legalizing abortion, on November 18, 1920, over 1,000,000,000 -- that's a BILLION!! -- babies have been exterminated in the most brutal and barbaric of ways, worldwide...

In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children at Fatima, Portugal.  She showed the children souls free-falling into the abyss of hell; numerous as snowflakes!  

Our Lady told many things to those three innocent children.  One of the things she emphatically mentioned was that if mankind didn't change their ways, there would be another, more terrible war (World War II, to be exact) where many good men would die.  Of course, that means that when they died, they would meet her Son at their Particular Judgment, and account for their works -- good or evil...

The Fatima apparition was doubted by many, that is, until, in a rainy, muddy field, nearly 70,000!! people -- both believers and non-believers alike, witnessed the miracle of the sun.  For those who are not familiar with this dramatic display of sheer power shown by the Mother of God, the sun "danced" and looked as though it was about to fall from the sky, come to earth and burn up the earth.  It didn't burn up the earth or the people -- gathered in pure fear for their very lives -- but what did happen, is that the muddy field, along with the wet clothes of those watching, became instantly dry.  This phenomenon was also seen many miles distant from Fatima, by reputable observers.  

It is also interesting that this great miracle was practically unknown here in the U.S.  I would guess that was by design, but that's just a guess...

One of the main reasons that Our Blessed Lady appeared to the three children, was to tell them that Russia must be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart in order for Russia to stop spreading her errors.  This must be done by all the bishops of the world in conjunction with the currently reigning pope.  We see the results of that emphatic demand never being fulfilled: continued wars and rumors of wars.  Meaning, the destruction of many innocent lives.  And today, there is an ongoing war against the most innocent and vulnerable of our species: the pre-born!        

Let's call it what it is: genocide!  This genocide includes all races and creeds; no baby is spared where the killing of the pre-born is "legal."  

Our dear country is still under the scourge of this on-going slaughter; one that must come to an end.  President Trump is the most pro-life president this nation has ever known, but if the likes of Biden and Harris successfully orchestrate the coup d'etat against Mr. Trump, then all bets are off.  The barbarism of human sacrifice will continue -- we have Biden's pledge to use more taxpayer monies to fund the killing of the pre-born!  We cannot let that happen!

Pray and beg for mercy from the Lord of Lords!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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