Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy??

 Remember Hillary's drivel about a "vast, right wing conspiracy," a few years back?

That's what it was: drivel.

What we have today, however, is a vast Left-Wing Conspiracy!

That's the truth, not a fiction.  And who suffers from this on-going conspiracy to deprive the American people their just due, whether in politics, religion or just being treated fairly?  It's the dwindling middle class; the average worker; family man; bill-payer; tax-payer. etc., etc...

The very thought of Biden, who, by the way, represents the corrupt, deep-state, bought-and-paid-for anti-American Marxists, at the helm of the ship-of-state, is a nightmare too horrible to conceive.

The days of the Republic would come to a head-on-collision at break-neck speed, with little chance for survival.  Peace and tranquility would become a distant memory, with gangs of thugs roaming the streets of, not only the debauched city of Portland, Oregon, but even the tree-lined main streets of rural America, with little or no help from "law enforcement."  Rest assured, however, that the idea that we freedom-lovers will have the ability to defend ourselves -- exercising our Second Amendment rights -- might be a thing of the past, considering the draconian anti-gun rhetoric spewing from the mouths of Biden and his cronies...

There are trying and tumultuous times ahead with little recourse to redress or assuage our grievances because of an intrusive and overreaching, multi-tentacled behemoth, and, frankly, an out-of-control federal government. 

If we have to fight for the just result of the presidential election, so be it.  Hopefully, through the courts, and not through brawls in the street -- as the thugs, Antifa, and the so-called "black lives matter" do so nonchalantly.  But fight we must for justice to be done, for and to, President Trump -- and the American people...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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