Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Medical Tyrants Are Calling For Thanksgiving To Be Cancelled -- And Now Christmas??

 This is not a joke!  There are some municipalities and even larger cities, calling for the cancellation of the traditional, secular holiday of Thanksgiving -- because of a new surge in Covid-19 cases.  Not deaths, mind you, but cases!  Ignoring the fact that over 99 percent of those who get sick (from this particular strain of the flu bug) recover.

What's the next target?  Christmas...

This is not a joke either...  

It seems that the supposed leader of the Catholic world, Pope Francis (Bergoglio) has indicated that Christmas midnight Mass will not be celebrated at the Vatican this year.

Let that sink in.

Thanksgiving is one thing, but to not recognize the birth of the Savior of the world because of capitulating to the faux Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" is a pathetic move on the part of the Marxist-influenced former archbishop from Argentina, Bergoglio.

Why should anyone be surprised?  After all, he participated in idolatry with the Pachamama goddess (piece of wood), prominently displayed in St. Peter's Basilica, along with other direct attacks on the true, unchangeable teachings of the Magisterium of 2,000 years.

Because of the actions and anti-Catholic ramblings emanating from the mouth of Bergoglio, the hierarchy of the U.S. are emboldened in their milquetoast response to the secular authorities, thinking that it relieves them of the responsibilities to protect and guide their flocks entrusted to them.  Sorry, bishops; vincible ignorance is no excuse -- and will not satisfy Our Lord's JUSTICE when you stand before Christ at your Particular Judgment!

This is not my opinion.  Here is the pertinent section of the definition of vincible ignorance: (CCC #1860)  No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.

That's the Natural Moral Law, can you imagine the consequences of being vincibly ignorant of God's divinely revealed law as given to us in the Ten Commandments and the Gospels?

Will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year with you family and friends?  Or will you submit to the illicit, un-constitutional fiats of the one-world-order globalists; whether a mayor, county government, or governor of the state, all the way up to the president?   

Christmas is next!  Will you submit to the God-haters (Marxists) and not worship Our Lord on His Birthday???

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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