Saturday, November 14, 2020

Does Archbishop Gomez Of The Diocese Of Los Angeles Have His "Eyes Wide Shut"?

 I can ask that question of the entire cabal of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops -- the USCCB (I'll use that acronym for the remainder of this article).

"Archbishop" Gomez is the head of the second largest Catholic archdioceses in the U.S., yet he continues to scandalize Catholics, not only in his diocese, but permeates throughout the country, from coast to coast.  

One of the consequences of this so-called shepherd, of the nonsense spewed from his mouth, as well as out of the mouths of the majority of those bishops that make up the USCCB, is the disheartened folks of good will, who once were thinking of entering the Catholic Church.  What must they think when they hear congratulatory messages from the fawning Gomez and his brother bishops to Biden and Harris? Gomez has already declared him to be the second Catholic president of the United States; with John F. Kennedy being the first.  Harris, too, was congratulated on becoming the first female vice president.  Someone should tell Gomez that neither Biden, nor Harris have won the White House, at least not yet!

The anti-life, pro-death record of Biden -- the "Catholic" -- and K. Harris -- the anti-Catholic bigot -- are readily available for all to read.  Both Biden and Harris have the blood of the innocents on their hands, pledging allegiance to, and funding the destroyer of the pre-born: "planned parenthood," as well as other so called pro-choice organizations and groups around the country.

Can "archbishop" Gomez be so ignorant of Church teaching and the Natural Law to somehow sidestep his responsibility to admonish these grave, public sinners, and call for their repentance?  

When I see the diabolical shenanigans of these defectors from the Catholic faith, it makes me wonder if there is any supernatural faith left in their souls?  I know that only God can judge the hearts and souls of His creatures, but Our Lord also tells us in the Bible that by their fruits you will know them.  In fact, He states that twice in rapid succession, meaning the point should be well-taken, and without doubt!

In an article posted on, Gomez said this: “I believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country,” Gomez added.

I would ask the archbishop -- At any price?  By appeasement?  By compromise?  He also takes a jab at President Trump by praying "...for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country."  Implying, of course, that Mr. Trump has been a divider, not a unifier, simply because he believes that America comes first, and then our aid and encouragement to other countries...

If anyone thinks that I'm being a little too critical of Gomez, here is a quote from Hugh Brown of the American Life League: "The reality of the USCCB issuing a statement of congratulations to Joe Biden should not be a surprise to anyone. The USCCB is a feckless spineless conglomerate of dead souls. They are not the descendants of the Apostles. They are what St. John Paul II referred to when he wrote of the Anti-Church. Every Catholic should shake the dust from his feet regarding the USCCB. Listen to them not. We must put our faith in Christ."

It is time for the faithful Catholic to realize that compromise and appeasement never work -- for our side -- but only for those who would like nothing better than to see the Bride of Christ brought to her knees.  Right now, she is almost down for the count; all it will take is one last kick in the ribs to knock her out of the fight, or so it would seem to the world.  But that same world does not believe what Our Lord has promised: the gates of hell will not prevail against His church...  How about you, archbishop Gomez, do you believe His promise??  Or, have you already capitulated to the spirit of the world?

Pray for our country, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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