Monday, November 23, 2020

Media Silence On The Ongoing Slaughter In Chicago...

 It seems we are literally surrounded by the covid-19 "pandemic" making us all sick and dying by the thousands, or so it seems.  We are told that there is a massive surge in cases, and hospitals are filling up -- again -- yet no one is dissecting the numbers about just who is getting sick, hospitalized or dying.  

Are all the new cases the young and formally healthy?  Are there middle-aged with some previous health issues?  Or, perhaps, are most of those arriving in the hospitals the elderly with some, or many co-morbidities?  Not a single mainstream media source is spilling the beans.  In fact, I haven't seen any of the alternative news sources break down that very important aspect of the statistics we hear about on a daily basis.  It seems that even "our side" is buying the establishment narrative, hook, line and sinker...

An increase in cases does not automatically mean an increase in hospitalizations, nor does it mean an increase in deaths due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  I have written in some of my other articles that the CDC's own website posts a footnote under the column for deaths due to covid-19; it reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed Covid-19.   I just checked, and that footnote is still on their website...  

We also know that there is an agenda perpetrated by the media to continue instilling fear and panic into thinking that wearing an ineffective facemask will save you from catching the Wuhan virus.  Further, we are also told that we must sacrifice our Thanksgiving holiday because of some perceived fear of spreading that particular strain of the flu bug among family and friends.  I can only guess that Christmas will be next, in fact that is already being speculated by the likes of Fauci and many of the states controlled by the tyrannical Democrat governors, and mayors of some of our largest cities.  

That brings me back to the title of this short article: Media silence on the ongoing slaughter in Chicago...

Over this past weekend alone, 50 -- count them 50 -- people were shot, and five killed on the streets of the "Windy City," run by a lunatic lesbian mayor who seems to have nine political lives!  Why is she still running and ruining that once-great city?   

The shootings and killings are so rampant that even the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune cannot avoid the reality of their city turned into a war zone...  Their statistics are horrifying: from January 1, 2020 to November 9, 2020, SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED!  WITH 3,619 PEOPLE SHOT, FATAL AND NON-FATAL, COMBINED DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD, with nearly a month-and-a-half yet to go in 2020!

Like I said, Chicago is now, and has been, a war zone for far too long, yet the media silence on the malfeasance of mayor Lightfoot is truly deafening... 

As we are being barraged by the coronavirus news, innocent men, women -- and yes children! -- are being gunned-down with their lives tragically ended by gang lords and drug dealers fighting to keep their turf from being invaded by other criminals who want a piece of their pie...

Whether a flu virus or shootings on the sidewalks of our cities, the main cause is the fallen nature of mankind, in essence, a rejection of our good God, and an embrace of evil over good...  Nothing will change, unless and until, hearts and minds change and return to the tenets of the Natural Law and the divinely revealed laws of Our Lord's true religion...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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