Friday, November 20, 2020

The Lunacy Of KILLING The Death Penalty...

 They're at it again!  

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) -- comprised, mostly, of modernist/liberal democrat sympathizers, have once again called on the Trump administration to cease all federal executions.  In essence, this would mean killing the death penalty in America (pun intended).  

Their reasoning?  They claim that capital punishment is not necessary to protect society.  Did you get that?   That claim bears repeating: they say that capital punishment is not necessary to protect society!

Not only is this complete lunacy on the part of these "bishops," it flies in the face of what the Catholic Church has taught for millennia: that the state has a right to protect the commonweal (the welfare of the public) from heinous murderers and the like.

In addition to protecting the commonweal, there is the incentive for the convicted felon who knows that his life will shortly end, to repent and come back to the Natural Law (engraved on the hearts of every human that is born into the world) and, especially, Christ, his Maker.  Without this incentive, and, with the possibility of parole, he sees little to convince him to change his ways and get back on the straight and narrow road that leads to the heavenly beatitude. 

If one was to follow the "logic" of the USCCB, and apply it to Christ, then Our Lord, would not, and could not, have been crucified by the Jews after Pilate washed his hands of the entire matter.  

Remember, Our Lord told Pilate that he (Pilate) would have no power over Him if it wasn't given to him by His Father, indicating that the state authorities do have the power to impose harsh penalties, up to and including the taking of the life of the malefactor.  

I find it interesting and terribly ironic, that most of these very same bishops refuse to condemn "Catholic" politicians for their outright and radical support for abortion -- the killing of the pre-born! 

Here is an excerpt from their statement and plea to President Trump: “The death penalty is not necessary to protect society. It is not necessary to hold people accountable for grave crimes,” they declare. “The decision not to execute someone, even someone who has done something terrible, is not ‘soft on crime’; rather, it is strong on the dignity of life.”  

Except the pre-born???


And folks wonder why what passes for the Catholic Church in America is in such dire straits: homosexual "priests," "bishops," "cardinals," "popes," rabid sexual abuse of the innocent, failure to ex-communicate the likes of Biden, Pelosi and their ilk, not to mention idolatry...  What a disastrous message this sends to the rest of the world, not to mention also a confused and scandalized laity...

Sure, I'll put my trust and obedience in the cabal known as the USCCB!  Like hell, I will...

Pray for strength and honor!!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us... 

(Some material for this article was gleaned from an article on

Gene DeLalla

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