Monday, November 2, 2020

The United States Of America: The Land That I Love!!

 My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, to thee I sing...

Do you love America as I love America?  If not, why not?  Sure, our country isn't perfect in any sense of the word -- neither are we, neither individually, nor collectively -- but look around at the rest of the Western, "civilized" world, look too, at those half-baked, third-world hell-holes that pass for nation-states and tell me what you admire more about them, than the land of your birth!

The historic presidential election tomorrow, November 3, 2020, will determine if our Republic will survive, or be dismantled by socialist, Marxist-loving America haters in the form of the Biden/Harris ticket, who don't even try to hide their disdain for our freedoms and God-given rights.  Rather, they would put in place a form of government derived from the very pit of hell.  

Their life-hating, family-hating, capitalism-hating, Marxist agenda, would stifle, not only economic growth, but also -- and more importantly -- attempt to squash our right to freedom of religion in very short order!

Why, you ask?  Because the Christ-haters know that the true religion is a major hindrance to their goal of a false egalitarianism where everyone is "equal," and those who have worked hard for themselves and their families -- it is called success -- would be relegated to button-pushing robots...

Worse, they would absolutely impose all funding for the heinous torture and death of the pre-born with  our tax monies -- far too much tax-payer money already goes to the death mill giant, "planned parenthood"!  At least President Trump is attempting to defund, as much as humanly possible, those merchants of death and mayhem.  The president has already demonstrated that he is the most pro-life president to ever hold that august and exalted office!

So, this election is not about Republican verses Democrat, it is about voting for life and freedom, against a bleak prospect of death and enslavement...

Remember too, that if the Democrats take the Oval Office, our Second Amendment rights will die on the vine, and if they are successful, all the other rights guaranteed to us by God almighty, and enshrined in the Bill of Rights, will be consigned to the dustbin of history!

If you love your country, please vote for President Donald Trump tomorrow!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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