Saturday, October 31, 2020

Malfeasance Of Office And Tough Love...

 What is emanating from the mouths of the leftist politicians is nothing short of malfeasance of office in attempting to undermine what is left of our Republic.  I specifically refer to those running on the Democratic ticket for the presidency: Mr. Biden and his co-conspirator in the crime of treason, Mrs. Harris.

The obviously incoherent liar, Joseph Biden -- I don't personally refer to him as "Joe," simply because he is not my buddy -- has misused his office for over 40 years!  By the way, not only is Biden attempting to destroy our beloved country, he has abandoned his Catholic faith for power and position in this life, and to hell with what he will surely face in the next.  Harris is no different, whether Catholic or not...

One of the saddest "attributes" of Mr. Biden is that his entire family appears to have profited from many years of influence peddling to enrich themselves with millions of dollars from shady and outright illegal deals with foreign entities.  And now, his disgraced son, Robert Hunter, it has been revealed, is a sexual pervert, and abuser of underage females, in addition to being a crack-cocaine user.

So, where is the condemnation and, at least, the admonishing by their bishop over the years about a lifestyle that will lead them to eternal perdition?

There hasn't been any.  That too, is malfeasance of office.  But in the case of admonishing the sinner, or the lack thereof, the consequences are much more severe and everlasting if repentance and amending one's life is not accomplished or even attempted.  The overall weakness in the spiritual life, can and does lead to deficiencies in the physical realm as well.  The Biden family, has, for far too long, mocked  the very teachings of Christ and His church as if living among the animals in the jungle, disregarding divinely revealed law, not to mention the Natural Law ingrained in the hearts of every human being that comes into existence.

There is no more obvious and hellacious example of this than by Biden's absolute and determined support for the taking of innocent life in the womb.  His has been on a bloody trail of mayhem and death for most of his years in public office; again, with no condemnation or admonishing from his bishop or parish priest!  

I titled my article: Malfeasance Of Office And Tough Love.  I see no Tough Love from the clergy in this and in many other matters that are spiritually killing the flock in their care.  What a high price will have to be paid, not only by those corrupt politicians, but also by those shepherds that have been tasked with the protection and defending the charges under them! 

I always question why the bishops, especially here in the U.S., fail to correct and admonish grave, public sinners in their diocese and allow them to continue in mortal sin, even receiving Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, thereby piling on the sin of sacrilege on top of all the other sins listed in the book of one's life -- or death.  I have come up with a possible answer to my own question: most of the bishops are in cahoots with the anti-life Democratic Party, and have, for the most part, lost all supernatural faith, that is, if they ever had it to begin with.  In addition, sadly, many are in league with the sodomites in some way, shape or form, either themselves being homosexuals, or at least being sympathetic to their agenda.  This is pure lunacy!

The "great enabler" of this horrible sin, is coming right out of the Chair of St. Peter, pope Francis, with his incredible, un-Catholic, un-natural statements supporting "civil unions" for the same-sex couples.  What's next; his support for "civil unions" of two males to two females -- in the same "marriage" -- a foursome, or worse?    

As we all know, God will not be mocked!  The price for unrepentant debauched actions -- or failing to correct those actions -- can be eternal damnation, pure and simple.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul????

No matter who wins the Oval Office next week, prepare for the possibility of outright persecution of faithful Catholics, and all who claim to be God-fearing, whether in the form of the shutting down of our churches again, or by forced vaccinations -- with vaccines containing ghastly chemicals, as well as some using lines from aborted babies.   

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene  DeLalla

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