Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"Pope" Bergoglio Appoints Twelve (!!) New Cardinals To Pack The College Of Cardinals...

 Think about it...

"Pope" Bergoglio has cemented his ability to have his cardinals select his personal pick to succeed him when he takes his last breath on this earth.  

I guarantee that whoever does succeed Bergoglio, he will not be a traditional, conservative, pro-life and pro-Natural Law candidate who knows that modernism is the synthesis of all heresies: the pre-eminent ape of the Church.  Rather, he will continue the scandals and corruption of the hierarchy for decades to come, unless and until there is divine intervention by the Holy Ghost; no one else has the power to right the ecclesiastical ship of state; no one!

One of the scariest elements of the new "cardinals," is that the overwhelming majority are pro-sodomites, and/or pro-LGBT, known for fostering that radical anti-life agenda, scandalizing and damning uncountable souls during the years in their dioceses, and unless there is a change of heart, such spiritual disaster will continue under their reign as cardinals...

The original number of cardinals was limited to seventy.  This is rooted in the Mosaic tradition of the Old Testament, as well as in the New Covenant with the Incarnation of Christ, Our Lord.  It was so for many years until Pope Paul VI increased that number to 120!!   In addition, Paul VI issued a directive to deprive those cardinals over 80 years-of-age of the ability to vote in picking the new pope.  In essence, those 80+ year-old or older were more likely to represent more traditional church teaching on faith and morals, and not be in-tune with the novel agenda of the modernists.   

"Pope" Bergoglio has now increased that already-bloated number to 128! 

To quote the commander of the Airborne units defending Bastogne (during World War II), when the Germans issued an ultimatum to surrender, or be wiped out, he simply replied: "Nuts!" 

I say "nuts" to the current regime occupying the Vatican; they are a brood of vipers!  They have gone off the deep-end of rational and traditional thinking and have succumbed to the father of lies, Satan.  We must pray for their immortal souls; that is our duty; that is our command from Christ, Himself.  In the meantime, we know how to deal with the enemy from without, the problem is, we will have to continue to deal with the attack on our church from traitors from within -- a much more ubiquitous and sinister calamity!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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