Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Great Feast Of Christ The KING!

 Regardless of what is currently going on in the U.S. and the rest of the world for that matter, Christ is -- always has been and always will be until the end of time -- The King, not only of America, but also of the world and the universe!  Further, it makes no difference what the secular humanists say or do; what matters is what practicing Catholics do: render to God in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ, the worship that is due to the God that made us.  There is no choice here; no wiggle room.

Christ The King does not believe in "separation of church and state," I guarantee you!  Christ The King reigns over all society, regardless of the denials or outright rants of the godless leftists media screaming at you and I, day after day, after day...

Anyone who dares to live up to the responsibility to know, love and serve God in this life, so we can be happy with Him in the next -- through worshiping Him in the holy sacrifice of the Mass -- will be persecuted unto death.  It is happening now, and will get worse if the Demonrats, Biden/Harris take the Oval Office in January 2021...

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact...  

I urge all my Protestant friends to come into the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic church in order to receive the Holy Eucharist as celebrated in the Catholic Mass.  (The priest brings down the God of all creation when he consecrates the bread and wine transubstantiating those substances into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Our Lord!)

You say that you love Christ and claim Him as your Savior in a personal relationship, yet it is we Catholics that have the most personal of all relationships because we take Him into our very bodies when we receive Him in Holy Communion!  Remember what St. John tells us in Chapter Six, verse 53 (King James version): Verily, Verily, I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

It would be a great idea to read the entire chapter and see how most of Christ's disciples "went back and walked no more with Him," after He revealed this great truth (St. John, Chapter Six verse 66).

My Protestant friends: you are not "walking with Him," why???

Don't be fooled, my friends, by the numerous scandals plaguing the (parallel "catholic") church.  Seek out a traditional Catholic parish with a priest that values tradition and celebrates only the traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments.  In this way, you can truly share with us, that most intimate of all personal relationships through the true Body of Christ, the Catholic Church...

God bless all my readers on this great feast day of Christ The King!!!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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