Saturday, October 24, 2020

Pray For The Conversion Of Pope Bergoglio To The Authentic Catholic Faith!

 Have you heard the news about the latest massive scandal hitting the parallel "Catholic" Church?  

In regards to homosexuals, it seems that pope Bergoglio has endorsed "civil unions" -- if you don't realize what that means, it simply refers to these homosexuals living together being recognized as "family," as if that could ever be possible.

I have seen and heard the new-order lackeys attempting to explain away, or spin what Bergoglio said in an attempt to bolster their failed leader.

This is pathetic!  But not surprising...

After five-and-half decades of the infiltration and takeover of the Body of Christ (the Church) by the modernists "coming out," if you will, just before, during and after the council from hell: the Second Vatican Council, concocted by "Saint" Pope John XXIII, the novus ordo was born.

What has happened, over those decades, is that the new-church is recognized and referred to as the Catholic Church, in reality, however, the true Catholic Church has been driven underground, just as the true church in Communist China has been driven underground.

If you need any more proof of this, just look at the inter-religious meeting at Assisi in 1986 promoted by "Saint" John Paul II... Look also at the most recent debacles perpetrated by Bergoglio, such as the 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Communist Red Chinese government, recognizing the Communist "bishops" as being in communion with Rome!  That one action alone sold out the real Catholic bishops and the faithful.  Churches and chapels have either been destroyed or desecrated by having the photos or icons of Communist dictator Xi plastered all over the building, while at the same time, removing crucifixes and icons of the saints...

By the way, who was Bergoglio's envoy to Communist China to carry out that foul agreement?  None other than the homosexual predator, disgraced, "Cardinal" McCarrick.

Shortly after, this treason, the First Commandment was roundly violated to the nth degree, by idol worship, by placing the so-called Pachamama goddess in St. Peter's basilica with the complete approval of "pope" Bergoglio.

Add to these treasonous acts, in 2019, was the infamous Abu Dhabi agreement...  

From an article in Breitbart news, regarding Abu Dhabi: Father Weinandy said... "Regardless, no one, not even a pontiff, can undo or override the Will of God the Father concerning Jesus his Son,” he concludes.

“In his love the Father has given the world Jesus his Son, and ‘there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’ (Acts 4:12),” he said."'

No, Bergoglio, the Muslims do not worship the true God of us Christians...

All you have done since the beginning of your ascent to the throne of St. Peter, is to scandalize and confuse even more, if that is humanly possible, an already milquetoast laity, who, for the most part, no longer believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.  

I ask all my readers to pray for the conversion of Bergoglio to the Catholic faith that he may save his immortal soul...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is coming down the road for all faithful Catholics...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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