Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Devil And Miss Jones (1941 Comedy Starring Jean Arthur)...

 Here is the basic plot of the 1941 movie, The Devil And Miss Jones: (from Wikipedia) "Cantankerous tycoon John P. Merrick (Charles Coburn) goes undercover as a shoe clerk at "Neely's", one of his New York department stores, to identify agitators trying to form a union, after seeing a newspaper picture of his employees hanging him in effigy."

Of course, there really wasn't any devil in the movie, nor in any of the characters, unlike today, the devil, from my observation, is in humans who have abandoned the God who created them.  

I am not claiming that many human beings are physically possessed by the demon, but they can be, and are, heavily influenced by a warped intellect.   And, as the eyes are said to be the windows of the soul, the intellect is the "window" to the will.  If that is the case, and I believe it is, such an individual can no longer separate good from evil, or right actions from wrong actions. 

We see this in today's shenanigans emanating from our elected officials.  This is especially true when politicians propose or pass legislation that is diametrically opposed to the Natural Law, and, by extension, the Ten Commandments. 

Just think, for example, some of the most horrendous and bizarre legislation passed by twisted minds (influenced by distorted intellects) in the Congress and the Senate of the United States, eventually led to a decision by the supreme court that has caused an on-going slaughter of the pre-born since 1973.  It is now estimated that close to 61,000,000 (MILLIION!) American girls and boys have been taken out of this world even before they had a chance to breathe air and exercise their rights granted to them by God almighty!

We know that Satan and his minions are hell-bent on attacking the family unit, and fidelity of husband and wife in a sacramental marriage blessed by God through His church.  We can also come to the conclusion that he, the demon, has inserted himself in the intellects of many politicians, even those claiming to be Catholic.  We know this to be true because they continually expound on their version of what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for 2,000 years, regarding the sanctity of human life from birth to natural death, going to extremes to justify the killing of the pre-born under the guise of "choice" or "reproductive rights." 

What we see happening will only get worse before the pendulum begins to swing in the direction of what a God-fearing nation can and should be.  And make no mistake, it will get much worse -- for the pre-born -- if the Biden/Harris ticket take the Oval Office in November.

President Trump is not perfect, not by a long shot, but he has proven to be the most pro-life president to ever occupy the White House in the history of our Republic, all this in the face of a massive -- and continuing -- attempt to undermine his presidency by a treasonous, very deep-state.  

On November 3rd, we Americans will have to choose whether to keep our representative democracy, or suffer the end of our rights -- including our right to worship God! -- under an atheistic, Socialist/Marxist regime of Biden/Harris.  This is not an exaggeration, but a brutal fact...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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