Saturday, October 10, 2020

First Do No Harm...

 In the Hippocratic oath, there is this: First Do No Harm.  In simple terms, it is the doctor's oath to his patient that he will look after his client and do the best he can for him, using his knowledge and available medicines and other tools, to keep him healthy without harming him.

There is a presumption here that all doctors are moral and follow the Natural Law, and the Commandments of God in their esteemed vocation of helping others...

This, however, is not always the case.

It is common knowledge that far too many doctors exercise their noble trade to take life instead of attempting to preserve that precious gift.  This has become self-evident since the 1973 supreme court decision that ruled killing babies in the womb was "legal."  

And now, we see doctors -- "medical experts" -- telling us that the only way to eliminate the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is by injecting into our bodies a brand new, for the most part, untested vaccine.  I say untested because animal trials have been skipped in order to get the new chemical concoction into the hands of those who will administer the vaccine, quickly, or, as President Trump described: "at warp speed."  This is not good, and quite frankly, is cause for alarm!

Our otherwise decent, God-fearing president, has fallen into the trap of believing the heavily skewed and manipulated numbers regarding the deaths due to the Wuhan virus "pandemic," fed to him by those very same "experts".   In fact, we now know that those deaths attributed to the virus, are extremely few, and the recovery rate is over 99 percent!  But the leftist media refuses to acknowledge the CDC's own admission to these data.  As I have written many times, there is the infamous footnote No.1 under deaths due to Covid, it reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

We have been hoodwinked to the point of believing that if we don't wear an -- ineffective -- face-mask we're all going to get sick and die a horrible death.  The fact of the matter is, is that we are, in fact, all, eventually, going to die, but not from the Wuhan coronavirus, unless our immune systems are terribly compromised.

Fear and control are two very powerful elements in our lives that can and do control our movements as well as our outlook on life in general, and more specifically, how we treat our neighbors.  You would think that those elected officials would want the best for their constituents, but alas, as we have seen, that is not the case in many instances; e.g., closing down a city or even an entire state over a certain strain of the flu bug.  By the way, the H1N1 (swine flu bug) infected 60,800,000 (MILLION!) Americans, but economy wasn't shut down, nor was anyone forced to wear a face-mask.  

If you look at it in another way, that is the difference between having an establishment president, Obama, during a severe flu outbreak back in 2009, and having an outsider in the Oval Office in the person of Mr. Trump, in 2020...

"First do no harm" should not only apply to doctors, but also to those charged with representing us in government at the local, as well as at the federal level.  To this very day (it has been over six months now) there are several Democratically controlled states that are still shut down.  The governors, mayors and health "authorities" are allowing the big box stores to remain open, but are taking draconian measures to keep those Christians from worshipping our good God, by arresting and fining those brave pastors -- and some priests -- for holding Sunday services!   

Is it too late to resist?  Perhaps not yet, but if the demonic, incoherent, lying Biden/Harris ticket take the White House in November, resistance may take on a more immediate and physical form... 

Pray for strength and honor for what might be coming down the road in short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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