Friday, October 9, 2020

Is It Trump/Pence Vs Biden/Harris, Or Is It Christ Vs Satan?

 Let's cut through all the media hype and coverups, and tell it like it is: we are facing a presidential election that pits President Trump/VP Pence against Biden/Harris, or, to put it in other more realistic terms, will we be choosing Christ over Satan, the ape of the Church, or Satan over Christ?

Am I implying that a sinful, some say a morally deficient man, President Trump, is equivalent, in some way to Our Lord, Christ?  No, but what will happen if the Biden/Harris demons win the White House, you and I will witness that closest thing to the father of liesSatan, rule our Republic for at least the next four years.

(I find it interesting, however, that we have a Protestant president, in the person of Mr. Trump, who is more Catholic than most of those bishops who are supposed to be our shepherds, guiding their flocks to the heavenly beatitude, but in reality, are mostly wolves in sheep's clothing, closely aligned with the Democrat party, read: the party of death!)

One of the problems with such a horrendous scenario is that it won't be Biden running the show, it will be Harris!  We know this because Biden is incoherent most of the time and simply cannot survive the rigors of being the leader of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth for the next year, let alone for four years.  

What is beyond scary, is that both the "Catholic" Biden, and the atheist Harris, are both the enemies of the human race, and will continue to fulfill the agenda of Satan: killing the gift of life of God almighty through the heinous procedure known as abortion.  And that is why there is all the tumult in the U.S. Congress and Senate. 

 The creatures that are our elected officials, on the Left, that is, are determined to keep the religion of abortion on the altar of choice, "legal," at all costs, even to the loss of the immortal souls of those who support and foster legislation to continue the slaughter...  


Because they simply do not believe they will have to answer to anyone when they leave this earth.  To them, there is no Particular Judgment; there is no one they will be held accountable to, for the blood-lust of baby killing to the tune of over 60,000,000 (MILLION!) since the disastrous 1973 (Roe v Wade) decision of the supreme court.

Is it Trump/Pence Vs Biden/Harris, or is it Christ Vs Satan?

The answer to that question is clear.  Further, anyone who claims to be Catholic and votes for the demonic Biden/Harris ticket, is committing a mortal sin.  More drastically still, that person is automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church.  

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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