Thursday, October 22, 2020

Saturday: College Football -- And Abortions!

 While we enjoy our favorite college football teams banging heads and scoring touchdowns, munch on chips and drink a few brews, the abortion "industry" ramps-up its killing machine.  That's right, it seems that one of our weekend days we use to wind down from the work-week, is overflowing with the blood of the pre-born; in "doctors" offices, hospitals, and, of course, "planned parenthood" death mills...

Killing of the innocent is one of the crimes that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Here are some statistics from an article in the Daily Caller, the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of "planned parenthood"), and the CDC...

The Abortion “industry,” that is, the killing of pre-born girls and boys, is still thriving.  The money earned goes into the hands of corrupt “doctors” (have they forgotten their hippocratic oath to first do no harm?) and can be traced back to the enablbers of this continuing slaughter, their brothers in crime: “catholic” politicians; their hands dripping with blood money…

The following information/statistics are from an article from the daily caller, the guttmacher institute (a research arm of planned parenthood), and the CDC


 ·      Based on available state-level data, approximately 876,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2018.

·     According to the Guttmacher Institute, an estimated 862,320 abortions took place in the United States in 2017—down from 926,240 in 2014. Guttmacher's selected annual abortion estimates for the last 20+ years are listed below: 

















BREAKING: Planned Parenthood’s 2018 annual report shows the abortion chain:

– Committed 40% of the nation’s abortions
– Killed 345,672 children
Received $616.8 MILLION in tax dollars!

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America performed 345,672 abortions during the 2018 fiscal year, the organization’s annual report shows.

Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 annual report shows that the organization performed 12,915 more abortions during the 2018 fiscal year than the organization did between 2017-2018. The nation’s largest abortion provider performed 345,672 abortions between Oct. 1, 2017, and Sept. 30, 2018, as opposed to the 332,757 abortions Planned Parenthood performed during the 2017 fiscal year.

·        In 2017, the highest percentage of pregnancies were aborted in the District of Columbia (37%), New Jersey (32%), and New York (31%). The lowest percentage of pregnancies were aborted in Idaho (5%), South Dakota (4%), and Wyoming (2%). (AGI abortion data + CDC birth data). 

·        Black women were more than 3.5 times more likely to have an abortion in 2016 than white women (CDC).

·        The abortion rate of non-metropolitan women is about half that of women who live in metropolitan counties (NAF).

·        The abortion rate of women with Medicaid coverage is three times as high as that of other women (NAF).

·        In 2014, 30% of aborting women identified themselves as Protestant and 24% identified themselves as Catholic (AGI).

·        In 2017, abortions were performed in 1,587 different facilities, a 5% decline from 2014. (AGI).

In 2014, 4% of U.S. abortions occurred in hospitals; 1% occurred in physician's offices. The other 95% occurred in freestanding abortion clinics—without any established doctor-patient relationship (AGI).


·        In 2015, two women were reported to have died as a result of complications from induced abortion. Between 1973-2015, a reported 439 women died due to complications from legal abortion (CDC).


When will this slaughter end??  Will God almighty release His wrath on us poor, weak-willed creatures afraid to take the steps necessary to stop the killing of the gift of His children?

If Biden/Harris take the Oval Office in January, 2021, the abortion "industry" will have an incredible blood-thirsty ally, which, I'm sure, will keep the federal monies flowing into the coffers of the merchants of death!

Please vote for President Trump that he may continue to defund, as much as humanly possible, those who destroy life and limb.  Put ideology aside and vote for life over death!  That is the very least we can do...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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