Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Oh No! Did Amy Coney Barrett Say That She Would Set Aside Her Catholic Beliefs When Sitting On The Supreme Court??

 Sadly, I have to report that the title of my article is not an exaggeration because that is what she answered when asked by Sen. Graham at her confirmation hearings...

The following is a quote from Mrs. Barrett in answering Sen. Graham: "I can. I have done that in my time on the Seventh Circuit"... "If I stay on the Seventh Circuit, I'll continue to do that. If I'm confirmed to the Supreme Court, I will do that still."

If confirmed to the supreme court, she will set aside her Catholic beliefs! 

Let that sink in!

My dear fellow readers, I am appalled at this admission.  It is, for all practical purposes, the condemned error of Americanism.  Yes, condemned by Pope Leo XIII when he wrote his encyclical, directed, for the most part, to Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore.

The same capitulation to Americanism took place when John Kennedy was running for the presidency back in 1960... 

Candidate Kennedy gave a speech before an assembly of Protestant ministers and pastors, and plainly stated that he would not allow his Catholic faith, or any directives from the Vatican (Rome) to influence his policy-making decisions.  

Let that sink in, too!

Remember what Our Lord tells us in the Bible: be hot or cold, but if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out like vomit...

It is important to point out, that if the motives of Mrs. Barrett, and former President Kennedy were to keep their faith from influencing decision-making, apparently, they were successful.  And that "success" will continue if Amy Coney Barrett is affirmed to sit on the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment.

Isn't this the un-Constitutional error of "separation of church and state"?  As Catholics, we have to know and understand there is no such thing as separation of church and state, not in our country, nor in any other country in the world.  In fact, that error has been condemned by many popes from the mid-nineteenth century, all the way up to Pope Pius XII.    

As an example of the non-existent "separation of church and state," just look at what happened when our country; our economy and our churches were shut down because of the phony "pandemic."   The hierarchy of the Catholic Church in this country accepted 100s of millions of dollars from the federal government in aid in order to keep the church buildings out of the hands of the bankers, as well as keeping the schools afloat, even if students were not allowed to attend class because of the presumed threat of getting sick...

Isn't it interesting that "separation of church and state" is scrupulously adhered to during "normal times," but when the chips are down, and the almighty dollar is involved, the condemned error of separation of church and state is out the window.

It is important to realize that when an entity accepts federal monies, that entity, be it church or school or corporation, then becomes beholding to the government, and must accept directives, for better or worse, or else funding is cut off...  That is a recipe for disaster as we can see those Catholic bishops, for the most part, maintaining complete silence on such life-threatening "issues" such as abortion, contraception, un-natural sex-ed classes, or allowing "Catholic" politicians such as Biden, Pelosi to continue their deadly attack on pre-born life without consequence -- that is, without being publicly ex-communicated.  

Wake up, Mrs. Barrett, don't abandoned Our Lord; be brave; be a martyr if necessary!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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