Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Absolute Looney Left...

 Sometimes it is difficult to imagine just how looney the left is.  Now, bear with me, and I'll give you just a few examples of the hypocrisy and outright stupidity of many (most?) of the anti-life Democrats making crazy statements, mostly concerning the new associate justice to the supreme court, Amy Barrett...

Quotes and statements are taken from articles from, but there are any number of publications and on-line sources that will more than confirm the statements that I have listed... 

Statement number one, from none other than New York Sen. Schumer:   “Generations yet unborn” will come to regret Amy Coney Barrett’s elevation to the Supreme Court."'

Let's analyze this radical pro-abortion kook's rant... First, Sen. Schumer hates the pre-born!  Always has; always will.  But!  Was he thinking about the poor babies in the womb that might be spared from certain death by "doctors" tearing apart the little developing girl in the womb?   

That would, of course, be a highly twisted way of thinking for someone who has supported the slaughter of the pre-born for decades.  No, he was lamenting the "fact" that justice Barrett might vote to curtail a "woman's right to choose"!

Schumer is an angry and hateful leftist that despises anyone who is Christ-centered, and hence, life-centered...

Next, let's take a look at that paragon of "Catholic virtue," Nancy Pelosi -- who claims, by the way, that her Catholic "faith" and church teaching is in line with her most radical support for the killing of the pre-born -- she made the following statement regarding the successful confirmation of Amy Barrett to the supreme court: “Well, you know one of the things that is so appalling about this judicial appointment right now is they [the Republicans] want that person [no respect for justice Barrett as a person, regardless of her political affiliation] in there to further undermine our democracy."

I could add a thousand more ridiculous comments that the 80-year-old Pelosi has made over the years, but that would take an entire and lengthy tome!

It is time, Mrs. Pelosi, to retire from the House, doing so would do a great service to our country, as well as the new generation of pre-born babies you are so fond of destroying in the womb...

Here's another character: Democrat -- former pro-life! -- Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts... This brilliant mind said the following: interpreting the U.S. Constitution as it was originally written and intended (“originalism”) is racist, sexist and homophobic.

Here is the actual quote from "Eddie the ice cream man" truck driver: "But interpreting the constitution in that manner has been used over and over to deny rights to women, to communities of color, and to the LGBTQ individuals, members of our society who had no rights when the Constitution was ratified. Originalism is racist. Originalism is sexist. Originalism is homophobic.”

I know I shouldn't make judgments on the mental veracity of such leftists, but I just can't help it, so I ask this question: what planet are you on, Sen. Markey?  You see, my dear readers, when folks disavow their love of the God Who made them, and turn on, and destroy His gift of life (pre-born children) they are then subject to the whim of the father of lies, Satan.  They seem to be easily swayed to commit evil, and revile anyone who opposes them.

There are literally scores of examples of the looney left, but I think that you get the idea...

If you are undecided about who to vote for next week, I urge you all to exercise your franchise and vote to re-elect President Trump.  This election will decide if we will hold on to the Republic, or turn our lives over to the powers of the anti-Christs and their Marxist allies...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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