Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 It's really very simple: read Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242...

That's it!  

Get it on-line; print it out and keep it handy; in your house and in your car. 

If someone chastises you for not wearing -- an ineffective -- face-mask, read them the "riot act," that is, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242. 

I'm sure they'll look at you as if you're from Mars, but that's the sad state of the sheeple these days... Persist, and eventually you'll win out over the tyrants that want to keep your face covered for no good reason except to keep the fear-mongering going for the rest of our lives...

Sure, President Trump must win the election over the Marxist Biden/Harris goons, but we must hold Mr. Trump accountable if and when the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine comes online.  If he, or anyone, declares that the vaccination will be mandatory, that is the time to stand up, resist, and fight for our vey lives.  Because, if we don't, we will be enslaved, and that includes our children and grandchildren!  

Does that prospect scare you?  

It should.  This is no joke.  The globalists want to make us less human, plain and simple...

The 2020 presidential election is just around the corner.  If you think that there is no real choice or difference between President Trump and the Marxist team of Biden/Harris, think again.  At the very least, all Catholics are obliged NOT to vote for those who are, and have been, for the slaughter of the pre-born, all other issues pale in comparison!  A Catholic who votes for the demons running on the Democratic ticket are automatically ex-communicated!  How many times must I write this??

The question really is: those who claim to be Catholic can -- and will -- face the wrath of God almighty if they don't repent of the mortal sin of supporting the killing of the innocent baby girl developing in the womb of her "mother."  

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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