Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It's Not Just A Question That You MUST Be A Catholic In Order To Be Saved...

 That is a question that has already been pre-ordained and dogmatically defined by Christ through His church: The Catholic Church.

It is also a question of how we live our lives on a natural level -- upholding the Natural Law, including the Ten Commandments.  Further -- if it indeed needed explanation -- it is how we treat our neighbors, fulfilling the second great Commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God...

Whether one agrees with President Trump's nominee to fill the vacancy on the supreme court -- Amy Coney Barrett -- the fact remains that under severe, heavy-handed questioning by the leftist Democrats on the senate judiciary committee, she has been, and continues to be slandered and maligned.  In addition, she has had her Catholic faith questioned and derided for the last two days without letup.   

In a despicable display of bigotry, radical leftist, Democrat Senator Hirono, from Hawaii, attacked Barrett's character and her morality, by asking her if she was ever a sexual predator!  Think about it: all these miscreant Democrats have, is to insult a practicing Catholic mother of seven, including a special needs child.

But it didn't stop there...

Another Democrat Senator from Connecticut; the phony "Vietnam Veteran," "Dick" Blumenthal, mischaracterized Mrs. Barrett's discourse on aspects of the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.  This lying, stolen valor, sad excuse for a senator knows no shame!  As it is with 99 percent of these Demonrats, once they attack the most vulnerable of our species, the pre-born, and completely destroy the sanctity of life, is it any wonder why they slander decent folk with outright filthy lies and bear false witness against their fellow human beings?   They have lost any sense of the shame of sin and lack basic humanitarianism toward their fellows.  Corruption and disgrace -- and lack of grace in the soul -- says it all concerning these anti-Christs!

I could say that never before have I seen and heard such an onslaught of lies and defamation against a decent, God-fearing woman, wife and mother, who didn't have to subject herself -- and her family -- to these rabid servants of the father of lies, Satan... But alas, I would be telling a fib!  It was a very short three years ago, 2017 to be exact, when the very same Mrs. Barrett had her dignity and Catholic faith attacked when she was appearing before the same judiciary committee members after being nominated by President Trump for an appellate court position.

In a sense, what we are witnessing is a good thing, because it shows the American populace just what scum sits in judgment of us!  Never forget that these elected officials work for us, not the other way around!  If there ever was a time to vote these low-life's out of office it is now!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  

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