Thursday, October 15, 2020

Is Silence Golden, Or Deadly?


In the case of the leftist mainstream media, the silence, when it comes to reporting facts, seems to be the "golden rule" in secular matters, when it comes to spiritual matters, that silence can be, and usually is, deadly to souls.   

In fact, the inability -- or is it by design? -- of the Catholic bishops to properly guide their flocks in these troubled times, speaks loud and clear about their complicity with the Democratic party and their far-left agenda...

Witness the great -- and true Saint -- Pope Pius X and his encyclical, Pascendi, against modernism, declaring it to be the syntheses of all heresies.   Think of how much more devastation modernism has wrought since the reign of Pius X condemned that devilish scourge over 100 years ago!

It is not too far-fetched to condemn the current cadre of bishops as the syntheses of the heresies plaguing Holy Mother Church.  This was made manifest in the non-dogmatic Second Vatican Council, proposed by Pope John XXIII.  His idea and hope for "fresh air" entering the "stuffy," "archaic" church quickly devolved into letting "the smoke of Satan" enter through the windows, and into the very Holy of Holies...

The Deposit of Faith -- sacred Scripture and Tradition -- has been ruthlessly attacked, either by direct assault, or by compromising -- in some cases -- the very words of Our dear Lord.  St. John the Evangelist warns those who would tamper with the Word, that their fate would be sealed for all eternity.  This is exactly what happened with Martin Luther, who, through out six books of the Old Testament and attempted to change words in St. Paul's epistles, as well as castigating the epistle of St. James as "an epistle of straw".  Why?  Because Luther -- a former Catholic priest (an Augustinian friar) didn't like the words of Our Lord Himself: that our works will follow us!  Nor did he like that fact that St. James tells us that our faith is dead without works; rather, faith and works go hand-in-hand.  

This attempted destruction of the Scriptures has led to the crises we have in the church today; it has formed, through miserable catechesis, "cafeteria Catholics" who pick and choose what to believe or not believe.  The most devastating is their denial of the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, as very recent surveys show.  

The blame for this spiritual disaster rest wholly on the shoulders of the milquetoast, compromised bishops, leading to the abandonment of their flocks, leaving them vulnerable to the attacks of ravenous wolves, not only from without the church, but even more sinister, from within the ranks of the clergy...

And what are the consequences of such "leaders"?  One of the most egregious examples is the destruction of nearly 61,000,000 (MILLION!) pre-born American girls and boys through the heinous, painful procedure of abortion.  The gentleman running for the presidency this November, Joseph (Joe) Biden, claims to be a "devout Catholic," yet he is full-speed ahead supporting those evil individuals that pay for, or support that slaughter...

This character does not hide his disdain for those who support life in the womb, nor his support for the radical and deadly organization known as "planned parenthood."  Why hasn't his bishop publicly ex-communicated him from the Catholic Church???

The weakness of these bishops stinks to high heaven, and I blame them directly for the sacrileges committed every time one of these "catholics" walks up to receive Our Lord in holy communion.  Where is the admonishment of the bishops warning him or her of the mortal danger to their immortal souls?

Are we witnessing the authentic Catholic Church, or a sad imitation; those masquerading as priests and bishops, in reality are atheists and sodomites.  Scandal after scandal shakes the church to her knees, yet most in the new-order church go along to get along, regardless of the consequences to their souls and those of their families and neighbors...

If Biden takes control of the Oval Office this January, 2021, be prepared for outright persecution of God-fearing, pro-life authentic Catholics -- who refuse to deny their Savior -- to the point of blood martyrdom...

It is easy to despair with the attacks on our church -- and on our manhood and womanhood!   But we have cause for hope in the Person of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We are being purified as gold-ore is refined to reveal the pure, precious metal extracted from deep within the earth...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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