Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Brave Protestant Pastors; Where Are The Catholic Bishops?

 On October 1, 2020 President Trump gave a speech at the annual Al Smith Dinner.  

So what you say?

Well, here is an excerpt of what he said (from the New York Post):  “When the virus came in from China, we saw New Yorkers respond with the same grit and tenacity, courage, and selflessness that have always defined this city that we love so much,” native New Yorker Trump says in excerpts of his remarks released by the White House..

“The Catholic community and the men and women of the New York Archdiocese answered the call. You showed the world the essence of the Catholic faith. As president, I want to thank the Catholic community for the magnificent generosity you showed in America’s hour of need.

“Few institutions in history,” he says, “have done more for New York, more for America, or more for people of the world than the Catholic Church.

“Now more than ever, our nation needs a renewal of the values that this organization promotes and that the Catholic faithful live out each and every day in peace.

“As president, I will always support you in your effort to serve our fellow citizens and to lift up all humanity. I will protect the Catholic Church, and I will defend the rights of religious believers of every race, religion, color, and creed.”

President Trump is a Protestant...

Have you ever heard any other Protestant -- or Catholic bishop for that matter -- take to the microphone and defend and praise the Catholic Church in such a powerful and declarative manner?

I haven't...

I ask: how many Catholic bishops in the United States have stood up for their flocks during the so-called "pandemic" of the flu bug, to keep the doors of our churches open?  Only a few, and those few came to the ballgame in the 9th inning, depriving, for all practical purposes, the grace-giving sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, not to mention Extreme Unction for the dying, for months on end.  Those bishops were unable -- or unwilling! -- to stand up to those governors (the majority being Democrats, attempting to wreck the economy), face-to-face, and demand their rights to practice the faith guaranteed to American citizens in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution!


The phony, fear-mongering, elected representatives, in some states, continue their attack on the religious liberty, again protected by the First Amendment.  Their hate for believers is astounding, but at least it shows their true colors, read: serving Satan, not Christ their true Master...

In an incredible and praiseworthy act, at least several Protestant pastors in the various states, are fulfilling the command to preach the Gospel.  They are defying the secular tyrants by holding their services for their congregations, despite the threats and actual arrest and imprisonment, as well as fines, for not obeying these anti-Christ, unlawful mandates -- not to preach, but to keep the doors of their churches shut and locked.  

Friends, we are in the fight for our spiritual lives, and it will get much worse before Divine Intervention makes things right.  I can foresee St. Michael the Archangel, by direction of Our Lord, appearing and protecting the faithful, while at the same time, smiting the evil ones, and their minions.   

My hat is off to those brave pastors and ministers; they make our Catholic hierarchy in the U.S. look weak and feeble, and they are...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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