Monday, October 19, 2020

The Diabolical Abandonment Of True Humanitarianism...

Those political and social tyrants who continue to deprive relatives and friends from visiting their loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes and hospices, are wolves in sheep's clothing.  The denial of visitation boggles the mind and can only be part of the loss of the sanctity of life!!  If the slaughter of the pre-born can continue unabated, then every other inhuman action is on the table, including the following request for prayers that I received in my e-mail...

 "...prayers for my mother, Elizabeth, who is very ill. The doctor recommends hospice at this point. She has pneumonia, cancer and is down to 85 pounds at last check, barely eating or drinking. She is 94 years old. It is also very sad because we cannot visit her in the nursing home. They are in lockdown again and would only let us visit her 1/2 hour once a week outside since July when they were not quarantined.”

My dear readers... there is an elephant in the room that few seem to notice...  How did we get to this dehumanizing point?  How on earth did we, here in the United States of America, -- my fatherland that I fought for --  ever sink to this despicable level of ungodliness?

The so-called Wuhan "pandemic" has caused so much unwarranted pain and suffering, not from that particular strain of the flu bug, but from the attack on our Constitutional rights.  Keep in mind that our natural rights are instilled in us, and granted to us, by God Almighty!  It is the duty of the government to guaranty those rights, not to infringe or destroy them.

In the Bible, Our Lord responds to the lawyer of the Pharisees who questioned Him on how to attain eternal life... Christ told him that he must follow and obey the two great Commandments: to love God and to love his neighbor.

At the very least, many seem to have forgotten the latter Commandment, and, in so doing, disregard or ignore the former... You can't have one without the other!

We walk around with ridiculous, ineffective face-masks that not only hides the windows to our humanity, but also illustrates our sheepish obedience to unlawful, un-Constitutional mandates, without question!

Our manhood and womanhood, it seems to me, has been hidden; we are afraid of living our lives the way our good God intended: to know, love, and serve God in this life and be happy with Him in the next.  The formula has been laid out for us in simple terms, yet the admonishment to obey God, rather than men, has been cast aside out of fear of chastisement from our peers as we attempt to go about our daily business...

Remember too, the parable of the Good Samaritan?  Several people passed by a wounded man lying by the side of the road... No one stopped to help the poor fellow, except a Samaritan!  (It should be noted that Samaritans were despised by the locals, yet the man showed true compassion and love of his injured neighbor; attended to his wounds,  and paid for his lodging until he recuperated.)

We must curry the favor of God and attend and visit the sick and dying, regardless of the consequences from the civil "authorities"...  We must be that Good Samaritan and obey God rather than men...

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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