Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Lies About The Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID) = Fear And Control Of The Gullible Populace...

 Are you still dutifully wearing your face-mask because of some illicit, illegal, un-constitutional dictate from some mayor, or county or governor of your state?

It is time to realize -- if you already don't -- that wearing a face-mask is not, and has never been about controlling the spread of the so-called COVID-19 flu bug, because it can't.  A basic search will show the fact that even the "more effective," N-95 mask can only filter out down to .3 microns.  The Wuhan coronavirus is less than .1 micron in size!  

In addition, the recent "surge in cases" means absolutely nothing!  What does, or should matter, are the number of hospitalizations, and or, deaths from that particular strain of the flu.  If you catch a cold, for instance, you'll test "positive" -- maybe -- so what, take care of your cold.  As an aside, there is no vaccine for the common cold that has been around since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden...  

The CDC recently admitted that about 6 percent of deaths are attributed solely to Wuhan!

Further, if you check out the CDC's own website, you will see that under the "all deaths involving covid" column, you will see footnote no. 1.  Simply scroll down and read the following: "Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19..."

Here is the dictionary definition of the word presumed: suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.

That  is not science!

Think of the following example... Space Shuttle engineers tell the astronaut, about to be shot up into space at thousands of miles an hour, that they presume that the troubled O-ring is now corrected, but they haven't had the time to test it to make sure it will hold when the massive rocket lifts off the pad.  

Let me repeat that: they presume that the troubled O-ring is now corrected...

If the O-ring fails, the shuttle might be blown to smithereens! 

What astronaut in his or her right mind would step foot into the shuttle on the assumption that the O-ring is just fine and dandy?

What authority, whether at the local, state or federal level,, can tell you or me, that wearing an ineffective face-mask is absolutely necessary in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus?  Or worse, that an untested vaccine is safe and sound and will also stop the spread of the flu bug, absolutely?

This is not a game to be played like Russian roulette.  This is a deadly serious business; I'm not talking about a life-threatening disease, I'm talking about the "disease" of fear-mongering and the ultimate control of every aspect of our lives through the use of mandated stay-at-home orders, face-mask wearing, or far worse.

The current numbers being touted by the leftist media shows over 200,000 deaths from the Wuhan virus, in reality that number is less than 10-12 thousand!  The numbers continue to be manipulated to keep us in a constant state of worry and fear.  

Don't buy it!  

Stop wearing that idiotic face-mask!

Resist the tyrants! 

Remember what Ben Franklin exclaimed at the very birth of our Republic: if you sacrifice your liberties for "security"{or "safety") you deserve neither!   

Strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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