Thursday, November 5, 2020

Massive Voter Fraud + Apostate "Catholics" = The Ascent Of Socialists/Marxists To The White House And The End Of Our Republic As We Know It...

 If the massive voter fraud is not exposed and corrected, then be prepared for the Socialists/Marxists to take control, not only of the Oval Office in January of 2021, but also of what is left of our Republic, and the implementation of outright tyranny, choking our God-given rights to death, in our once-free nation.

Let's cut to the chase: over 50 percent of apostate "Catholics" helped to elect B. Hussein Obama to become the first Muslim president of the United States of America.  That was bad enough, but that wasn't the end... those same apostate "Catholics" gave their precious votes to the baby-killing Obama and helped him win the White House for a second term

Now, as we look at what happened on November 3rd, 2020, many more apostate "Catholics" helped to cause mass confusion and legal battles over the legitimacy of the on-going counting of votes in several key states that will determine the final outcome of the most important presidential election in the history of our country. 

The near-destruction of the Bride of Christ -- His holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church -- has been infiltrated over the decades, culminating in the diabolical Second Vatican Council inspired by  Pope John XXIII who had hoped it would open the windows of the archaic church, and let in a breath of fresh air, so to speak.  Translation: to "modernize" the church, and bring it up-to-date with the spirit of the age.

As history shows, just the opposite occurred: the smoke of Satan entered the vey sanctuary of the church, as Pope Paul VI finally admitted!

One of the disastrous results that emanated from the council, was the weak-kneed, milquetoast reaction to the threats and attacks against the church -- from without, and from within! -- specifically, Christ's doctrine that outside the church, there is no eternal salvation for anyone!   Add to this spiritual calamity, was the poor catechesis of those who were born after the Council, depriving young Catholics of the knowledge needed to stay on the straight and narrow road that leads to the heavenly beatitude...

Today, we continue to see that spiritual calamity in the form of poorly formed consciences, making decisions and taking actions, that directly contradict the Deposit of Faith, and church teaching of the last 2,000 years.  Is that why a majority of Catholics believe and use contraception; abort their pre-born children as the pagans do; support the twisted idea of sodomite "marriage," and no longer believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist??

Is it any wonder why such "Catholics" would vote for the anti-life, pro-Communist, Biden/Harris ticket?

It is said that we get what we deserve, and we do, especially when we reject our good God and His precepts.  I find it difficult to believe that we cannot follow His two great Commandments, to know, love and serve God in this life, so we can be happy with Him in the next and to love our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God...

Pray for President Trump that he will retain the presidency, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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