Saturday, November 21, 2020

Is COVID-19 The Real Enemy Of Your Health?

 How deadly is the COVID-19 virus?


Here is some info: Yes ... is highly contagious and can be transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person, mainly when a person with ... coughs, sneezes, speaks, or even sings (known as airborne transmission or airborne disease). Other people who breathe in the aerosolized bacteria can become infected.

I must admit that I was not completely honest with my readers.  The above contagion refers to tuberculosis (TB), not COVID!  In 2019, there were just under 9,000 cases of TB in the U.S., according to the CDC.  But even though this disease is highly contagious, there is no face-mask mandate anywhere in the United States to help prevent the spread of this deadly disease.

What about the common cold?

Isn't the common cold highly contagious if someone coughs and sneezes near you and you breathe in the germs?   The common cold has been around since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden, yet there is no vaccine; never has been, and probably never will be.  The best way to help alleviate the symptoms is to drink plenty of fluids and enjoy some Jewish penicillin, chicken soup!

Yet, during the cold -- and flu -- season, there is no face-mask mandate.  Why?

According to the CDC, the rate of recovery from the COVID-19 virus is an astounding 99-plus percent for all ages until one reaches the 60th year or older, even then, the rate is still over 94 percent!  

So, is COVID-19 the real enemy of your health?

No.  The real enemies are the draconian measures dictated by badge-heavy bureaucrats arbitrarily imposing illicit, un-constitutional mandates keeping our faces covered and (un)-social distancing requirements, keeping us separated from family and friends, especially those in support facilities such as nursing homes and hospices...

In addition, the number of men, women and children adversely affected by isolation, face-mask-wearing, and lockdowns, is incalculable and is sure to be in the hundreds, if not thousands of deaths, including suicide.  That is the real tragedy of this so-called pandemic!

Now, the Thanksgiving holiday is, for all practical purposes, consigned to the dustbin of history, that is, if you and I allow this sham to continue.  We must resist at all costs, because the birth of our Savior -- that we celebrate at Christmastime -- is next on the chopping block!  This is not by accident, but by the design of godless, power-control-freak politicians and the mindless robots that pass for "law enforcement" that, for the most part, do the bidding of these miscreants.  Remember, all law enforcement officers, whether they walk a beat, patrol in a vehicle or guard a courthouse, took an oath to God almighty to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  In effect, those who carry out the illicit dictates of the Marxists rabble, are traitors who have violated that sacred oath.

There is always another side of the COVID-19 story... It is you!  And me!  If we allow these new-world-order criminals to carry out their destructive agenda, then we are the enemy, because we will be complicit by our silence and inaction!


Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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